How to Wash Dish without soap


Many people do not believe that dishwashing without soap is actually possible.. Dish washing at homes is one of the most must thing to do. By this I mean, no one can survive without washing dishes. This is because it is hygienic and healthy if we keep our dishes clean.

You can use several natural and alternate chemicals available at home to wash dishes without soap. Wooden ashes to baking soda are the things to be considered.

It is true, you are used to do it in certain way. And this, it might be a bit difficult to wash dishes without soap and one might think that without soap, no dishes can be done at all. This is not entirely true because one can actually wash dishes without soap and the dishes will be sparkling clean. At least at one time or one moment in life, you might find

There are several ways to clean our dishes without using soap at all. Have you ever asked yourself what people were using to clean dishes before soap came around? Have you ever ask what your great-grandparents were using to clean dishes before the innovation of soap erupted? If you had no idea at all, this piece is meant for you. Before you wash your dishes without soap, it is advisable that you wash them with a lot of water first.

This is how rinsing your dishes should be done before the actual washing. Place your dishes under a tap or place them in a basin filled with water. For it to be more effective, you can use a sponge and maybe a scrubber that will help in removing large bits of food or food that stuck on the dishes. When there are little bits of food stuck on the plates, it is good when you get them wet. This usually makes the cleaning without soap easier and faster.

There are methods that one can use to clean dishes without soap. The methods can be so effective and helpful especially during the time that one has run out of soap.

Methods Of Cleaning Dishes Without Soap

  • Using the baking soda
  • Using wood ashes
  • Using the chlorine bleach
  • Sand
  • Using boiled water



You can use soap to clean your utensils and they will look bright and clean after washing. That is very true and a fact but have you ever thought of the amount of soap that you might be swallowing per day? It might be a lot of soap that you really don’t know. The soap might later affect your health because soap is usually made of chemicals.

This is what you need to do. Gather enough fine and clean and that will help you wash your dishes. After you have gathered your sand, you can collect water that you want to use during the washing. Use a sponge and water to rub off the bits of food that might be on your dishes. Pour water into the container with the sand. This might be hot water or cold water depending on your preference. Stir the water sand mixture till you get a paste. Use a sponge to scrub the sand mixture to your dishes .rinse the dishes with plenty of water to wipe off the sand. Make sure that all the sand is washed off leaving your dishes very clean.

Use Of Baking Soda

Apart from just baking, baking soda can be so helpful when it comes to cleaning of your dishes. The baking soda is what everyone needs for the dishes because it not only cleans the dishes but also removes any possible stains and helps in getting rid of the odor that might be present in your dishes.

This method of cleaning is also the most affordable one if not is also a good method that will help you avoid swallowing chemicals emanating from the use of soap.

There are steps involved in the washing of dishes using baking soda:

  • First, add at least two spoons of baking soda to the water that you will use when dishwashing
  • Second, soak the dishes in the baking soda solution
  • Step three, use a sponge with dry baking soda to scrub the dishes making sure that they are scrubbed very well
  • Finally, rinse your dishes either by using running water or using basin water.

Using Wood Ashes

Using wood ash as a method of cleaning your dishes is the most affordable and efficient way to clean your dishes. Using wood ash will not only leave your dishes sparkling clean but also remove the grease that may have stick on your dishes.

In using of ash, only use ash that emanated from burning of wood and not from burning of garbage. This will help avoid attaching your dishes with bacteria that might, later on, make your health problems.

Take clean wood ash from your fire pit and mix it with water. Stir the two components to make a paste. You can either use hot water or cold water. Use a sponge or a scrubber to scrub your dishes with the ash paste and then rinse off your dishes till they are clean.

Use Of Chlorine Bleach

In using this method, wash off the excess bits of food on your plate using running water or water collected in a basin. Then, fill the washing bucket or basin with clean water .make sure that the water is cold to avoid blockage of chlorine from working. Add some amount of chlorine depending on the content of water that you have chosen. Soak the dishes into the solution for some time. Then using a sponge, scrub the dishes and rinse them in a cleaner solution then allow them to dry.

Boiled water

Using boiled water can also be an effective way of cleaning dishes. In this case, all the bacteria and any other dirt present in the dishes will die with a single soak. Boil water to a certain temperature and soak your dishes. Make sure that there are no dishes that will crack due to expansion. Then scrub your dishes using a sponge and rinse them to warm water. Mostly, the first rinse will not make the grease in your dishes go away that’s why we advise that the second rinse of warm water be used to make all the remaining grease go away.


Soap is not a must in dishwashing. One can use any other means to wash dishes that are even better, affordable and safe when it comes to health matters.


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