giant teratorn sightingsgiant teratorn sightings


[3], Teratornis had legs that were too short for it to take flight by running on flat ground. Studies on condor flight indicate that Argentavis was fully capable of flight in normal conditions as modern large soaring birds spend very little time flapping their wings regardless of environment. About 20-30 miles from San Antonio in northern Atascosa County. THANK YOU!!! Jealous of the affection the Wampanoag showed the giant Maushop (well, the giant did . Some appear as half-human, half-animal, or can even steal a face to look like a friend or family member. I came looking for this bird, and found this article, after sighting a huge bird in 2020 at dusk, flying over the trees of my property. Southwest apologized for ruining Christmas. They needed large open area suchs as the Great Plains or the Argentine Pampas to navigate and hunt." "The loss of the Buffalo would have a devastating effect on the migratory habits of a bird of such size." It is a modern, real-life enactment of a kind of episode portrayed in folklore all over the world: the attempted abduction of a child by a Thunderbird. It may never be known what this strange flying creature was because it seemed to have completely disappeared. This dash camera video from John Callahan taken in front of Lake Belton High School shows just how fast and bright the fireball appeared against the dark Texas night sky. They said they found it while hiking in the woods in northern Georgia. I was only 17 at the time. After about 2 or 3 minutes of this, it spread its massive wings (at least 15 ft. wingspan) and flew off in the opposite direction. Might be rare, but not impossible. Here are some of the original stories I received on this topic: To: obiwan@ghosts.orgSubject: WWW Form SubmissionDate: Tuesday, April 25, 2006 9:16 PMName: Arturo PerezEmail: hedorah_85@yahoo.comLocation: Eagle Pass, Texas. The ability to fly is not a simple question of weight ratios, except in extreme cases; size and structure of the wing must also be taken into account. They stayed around for about 45 55 minutes, then just drifted south until we werent able to focus on them any longer. We talked about it but no one had an explanation for what we saw. I was like in 8th grade and me and my friend were at the park. Ornithologists and zoologists watch the American southwest carefully mostly for the purpose of tracking Condors. St. James Hotel, 617 S Collison Ave, Cimarron, NM 87714, USA. It would probably never fly too close to human dwellings. These little fellas are a species of tiny freshwater crustaceans that kind of look like roly-poly or pill bugs. When will we see a cool down? Wish I had more to give you than my honor and this report. Very slim chance but who knows. With lots of local lore come lots of potential cryptid sightings, and honestly, were here for it. is a labor of love. Norvell tweeted with a photo of the gator tied up in the bed of a truck. Ah, the goat sucker. . Required fields are marked *. Im sure its bones are still somewhere on the lake after all these years, if it died there. he came in shook up. I saw this damn thing July 27th, 2007 @ night in York, PA while on the phone with a friend! Residents At Myrtle Beach Report Encountering A Massive Bird Carrying A Shark 245,617 views Jul 2, 2020 Residents at Myrtle Beach report encountering a massive bird carrying a shark. These eight-eyed arachnids are real! Argentavis magnificens (literally magnificent Argentine bird) is the largest flying bird ever discovered. Another mythical creature or spirit said to roam the deserts of New Mexico includes the Mexican banshee known as La Llorona, and then theres El Coco, a boogeyman-type of character said to abduct children at night. The largest flying creatures overall that are known to have existed are not birds, but instead distantly-related archosaurs, namely the azhdarchid pterosaurs of the Cretaceous. ", "Glossary. This species seems less well suited for predation aerodynamically than its relatives. The furor faded when sightings ceased. Where do the Astros stack up in MLB Networks position rankings? Most people in New Mexico have heard of La Llorona, the Weeping Woman. Teratorns are members of Teratornithidae, a highly diversified guild of large carnivorous flying birds that lived between 25 million and 12,000 years ago. A television station broadcast a picture of an alleged bird track that measured about twelve inches long. With wingspans of greater than twenty feet, the Thunderbird is larger than any avian that has existed for 10,000 years. but it made no sound. Their legs were similar to an Andean condor's, but stouter, and the feet could hold prey for tearing off pieces, but could not exert a very forceful grip like birds of prey. Emotional support alligator spotted cooling off in Philadelphia's Love Park, Impressively-sized gator spotted in Missouri City by man attempting to install windows, Missouri City restaurant owner wrangles alligator spotted on front porch while taking kids to school. Saw it in Edna!" You can Upload articles and images here. I watched it as it sat up in the tree, nibbling at what Im guessing was ticks or fleas on its chest. Pink and Brownish Maroon spider with large yellow throat/eyezone. Argentavis may have used mountain slopes and headwinds to take off, and probably could manage to do so from even gently sloping terrain with little effort. What kinds of eerie New Mexico cryptids are there? We both lived REALLY close to it. However, a solid amount of reports came out of the Houston and Dallas-Fort Worth areas. . The humerus (upper arm bone) of Argentavis is somewhat damaged. then it flapped its wings. According to Mexican folklore you are supposed to whistle back to it, say curse words, and stay out of the darkness, especially if you are a not so good person yourself. I remember trying to research the phenomenon at the time I originally received the stories, and not finding much. Mothman: Americas Most Famous Winged Monster. Very fitting," commented Brett Odorizzi. The bill was large, rather slender, and had a hooked tip with a wide gape. [6] Indeed, it seems to have been better adapted for utilizing a short run into the wind from an elevated location as condors do, as its legs are proportionally smaller and its stride less than in condors. Herzog responded: "Seriously? Although a creature such as the thunderbird may exist, its numbers are low and probably located in more unreachable areas. I think 20' wingspan is a gross exaggeration. She said its wingspan appeared to be about as long as the creek was . In the mountains near Socorro, New Mexico is a natural warm spring that houses some of the rarest animals in the world. Fort Bend County Pct. So they got some chairs and were sitting on the porch when the thing flew by again! I think I saw this mentioned on the news. Some have even seen her! View: Full Article | Source: My San Antonio, it might be a thunderbird like said in the story. until there were only approximately five in sight, then regroup from somewhere. The American South West is truly home to the world's largest flighted birds, so it's not surprising to me that folks in San Antonio would be seeing one of their huge feathered friends and mistaking it for something other than what it really is. Is it a monster or myth? He's huge! Last week while walking from the garage to the house I saw another one. Guadalupe Cantu III was busy working his newspaper route, but he says the big news of that day 10 years ago flew right over his car. It was gliding, with an occasional slow, smooth flap. Minutes later, fellow officer, Homer Galvan, sighted a large black silhouette gliding through the air. "My husband was in the garage when he saw it zip by. Interestingly enough, the Rio Grande region on the south of the border has long had legends and sightings of a creature that seems very similar to what has been seen in Texas. While ugly and HUGE (and can bite), they mostly eat other bugs. I look over my shoulder expecting someone coming to get me, but instead my sister points up to a big bird that perched itself on top of the next building that we were leaving from. Photo, Video and/or Article contributions are welcome! We are talking twenty-five foot wingspan Teratorn type birds, animals so huge they couldn't hunt in woodlands or heavy foilage. Smacks of a possible Mothman type sighting. They seemed to be just having a meeting. The Giant Teratorn Argentavis magnificens was an absolutely enormous species of flying bird which lived in Argentina during the late Miocene, about six million years ago. We were both so surprised by the size of it. Campbell, Kenneth E. Jr. & Stenger, Allison T. (2002): Kenneth E. Campbell, Jr, Eduardo P. Tonni. Mortality must have been very low; to maintain a viable population less than about 2% of birds may have died each year. Well, there are many species that we haven't even found yet and species that we think are extinct but could be still living to this day. From Houston to Fort Worth, Texans across the state reported spotting a massive and bright light streaking across the night sky Tuesday. Thank you! wrote Sarah Jane Zamora-Rivera from Gonzales, Texas. Its a little late. Just a stab in the dark you wouldn't be thinking of terror birds would you? I quote again from my book: I was walking to the small river [near Woodward, Oklahoma]where I usually caught carp fish. The AMS notes that the Quadrantids "usually lack persistent trains but often produce bright fireballs. No one can entirely agree upon what exactly it is. A good example might be the Spix Macaw. The AMS received video . We went inside and just sat there for a minute. Whatever it looks like, if you ever find livestock with odd punctures and drained of blood, you can add the chupacabra to your list of suspects. . Well, theyre mythical for a reason, right? BELTON, Texas The American Meteor Society (AMS) says it began receiving reports of fireball sightings across Texas and Oklahoma on Tuesday, Jan. 10 around 6:45 p.m. The majority of reported sightings came from the Central Texas area. Canceled | Southwest apologized for ruining Christmas. Teratorn sightings in New Mexico and beyond Editor Mountain Voice 262 subscribers Subscribe 4K views 5 years ago Teratorn sightings in New Mexico and beyond. So, what about mythical creatures in New Mexico? Giant Teratorns Part of the family Teratorns, Argentavis magnificens (magnificent Argentine bird) is so named because of its size and huge wingspan. It is theorized that the Teratornis primarily inhabited cliff terrain, where it could take off and soar through the air easily.[7]. It is probable that it used thermal currents as well. This is when the Teratorn flew the skies of North America. Everyone is moving to New Mexico, even Big Foot. Your email address will not be published. . Well, that was my story. When roosting, it stood over 2.5 feet tall and weighed roughly 33 pounds. Some Giant Bird sightings were revealed as hoaxes or misunderstandings. As the sightings continued, a radio station offered a reward for the creatures capture. Another example might be the Spotted Owl. Beauty Of Birds strives to maintain accurate and up-to-date information; however, mistakes do happen. ", Stargazing | A bright green comet not seen since the Ice Age visible in HoustonSpacecraft | NASA satellite crashes on Earth after orbiting our planet for 38 yearsClimate | NASA says 2022 was among the hottest years everand it's getting worseRoundup | The 10 most important things that happened in space in 2022. The most obvious feature was the diamond or spade tipped tail, I have not found any creature that compares. Just to wing it. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Please send all questions and comments to Sure, you wont find any unicorns here (bummer), but you will find some other creepy critters that might as well be mythical or ones that are currently mythical but thought to exist anyway by many people and cultures, like Bigfoot or the Chupacabra. a large animal took off into the air. Another wrote that the fireball reportedly crashed in a field in Groesbeck. Additionally, it might have been the color of ashes. Now extinct, this fascinating bird is reportedly the largest bird ever discovered. Reptoids Reptilian Bipeds Cryptids or Space Aliens? A closely related genus, Aiolornis, was about 40% larger and lived at an earlier time; it was formerly known as Teratornis incredibilis, but is distinct enough to be placed in its own genus. 1 Constable Chad Norvell shared a video of the massive reptile strolling through the Grand Lakes subdivision along Peek Road at Buffalo Bayou. Its status was recently reinforced when it was highlighted on the 1998 Yorkshire Television/Discovery Channel series on cryptids, Into the Unknown. "We were afraid that it would come at us. The Sarus Crane is the tallest flying bird alive, standing nearly as high as Argentavis due to its long legs. If that is a picture of the same speciman i'm thinking of. Related to New World vultures like our own black and turkey. The single known humerus (upper arm bone) specimen of Argentavis is somewhat damaged. [3], An analysis of the Teratorn pelvic girdle and stout, columnar hind leg bones suggests that its legs had greater anteroposterior ability than those of condors, and that the birds were agile and well-suited for walking and stalking prey on the ground similarly to storks and turkeys. Well, when I got home my moms friend was there and told the two of them what I saw. megafauna) and that the species have limped along after food became more scarce. I wonder what side of town the thing was spotted in. Well, the temperature started dropping rapidly, clouds started to cover the sky, and a gentle (but cold) breeze settled in. The climate of the Andean foothills in Argentina during the late Miocene was warmer and drier than today, which would have further aided the bird in staying aloft atop thermal updrafts. We couldnt see its face, though. Size and structure of the wing must also be taken into account. It looked like an oversize buzzard. The prehistoric bird is supposed to be extinct, but New Mexico reports from the 1800s say the bird may still exist. I was about 14 years old. However, Spanish-speaking areas seem to see more goat-sucking action. However, there were also true vultures present in the area at that time, and unlike those, T. merriami was also well adapted to hunt for smaller animals which are also known to have utilized the pools. Perched on top of an elm tree was a bird of impossible size. It was over five feet tall, had dark red eyes, bald head, gorilla-like face and a long beak. Have you ever seen a gator be lifted off the ground by a tow truck? These birds werent going south in a migrating way. True or not, Mr. Big did get his own festival and BBQ day in Jemez Springs. The most obvious feature was the diamond or spade tipped tail, I have not found any creature that compares. Published May 30, 2009. Teratorn, an even larger bird would be hard pressed to sustain itself in modern times. [7] A 1983 study gives a range of wingspan of 2.9383.379m (9.6411.09ft) and a weight of 13.7kg (30lb). Mortality must have been very low; to maintain a viable population less than about 2% of birds may have died each year. If you shop through our affiliate links, at no cost to you, we will receive a small commission and we will be very thankful to you for that! See the Site Index for a complete list of articles available on this website. Story: This story happened back in 2002. To: obiwan@ghosts.orgSubject: WWW Form SubmissionDate: Sunday, May 07, 2006 11:10 PMName: LupeEmail: LITTLElulu17@aol.comLocation: Amarillo Texas. The Wampanoag of Massachusetts' legend is of the Pukwudgie. Today, most new wild Condors are introduced back into the wild through conservationists breeding programs with captive birds. Giant birds called teratorns (or wonder birds) once flew over New Mexico. Other anatomical features, such as the relatively small and sideward facing orbits and the low skull, are also consistent with a scavenging lifestyle. Look at the tallest man in the world. Not kill it. Which of them scares you the most? .. Only the last species lives in the United States; other large U.S. birds include bald eagles and golden eagles. I say Birds of Prey because I am very familiar with eagles, hawks and falcons, etc. BELTON, Texas The American Meteor Society (AMS) says it began receiving reports of fireball sightings across Texas and Oklahoma on Tuesday, Jan. 10 around 6:45 p.m. Hundreds reported spotting a giant fireball flying over Texas and Oklahoma Tuesday night, according to the American Meteor Society. [12] The heaviest extant flying birds are known to weigh up to 21kg (46lb) (there are several contenders, among which are the European great bustard and the African kori bustard). 5 min read. We were walking together talking when all of a sudden we both stopped. Guadalupe Cantu III was busy working his newspaper route, but he says the big news of that day 10 years ago flew right over his car. When hunting actively, A. magnificens would probably have swooped from high above onto their prey, which they usually would have been able to grab, kill, and swallow without landing. It was about forty feet high, behind my house and flying very slowly, with nothing remarkable about it except that it was about one in the morning CST and it was alone. Nevertheless, people in modern times have reported sightings of huge birds whose wingspans easily surpass any known living species. Skull structure suggests that it ate most of its prey whole rather than tearing off pieces of flesh. Its a little late.Vibes | Houston's hottest party is a secret moving disco with one ruleBallots | More Harris County GOP candidates move to overturn electionsNews | Two new evening anchors will be joining KHOULege | These new laws go into effect in Texas on January 1. Estimations of the wingspan of the largest species like Quetzalcoatlus and Hatzegopteryx exceeds 10 m, with less conservative estimates being 12 m or more. ABC 13's chief meteorologist Travis Herzog also received reports of the sighting and asked his followers on Facebook to share footage they captured of the unusually bright meteor and submit their first-person accounts to the AMS. Teratorns are members of Teratornithidae, a highly diversified guild of large carnivorous flying birds that lived between 25 million and 12,000 years ago. All remains except one Early Pleistocene partial skeleton from the Leisey Shell Pit near Charlotte Harbor, Florida (which may represent a different species or a subspecies) date from the Late Pleistocene, with the youngest remains dating from the Pleistocene-Holocene boundary. To get their powers, though, the shapeshifters must murder someone close to them. One professor, Steven Watters, is an eyewitness himself. As with all extinct species, not much can be known about the Giant Teratorns behaviour. What is worth living for, and what is worth dying for? Thunderbird: Open to speculation because these birds, most often sighted from Pennsylvania to the northern Midwest, have been said to resemble teratorns and pterodactyls. Our local FOX TV News did a special a few years ago about large (LARGE) birds being spotted aroung Texas in a special called The Texas Files. I know now what the excitement was about. Because of its large size and ability to fly, Argentavis suffered hardly any predation, and mortality was mainly from old age and disease.[14]. It is probable that it used thermal currents as well. For the latest and best fromChron,sign up for our daily newsletter here. bingo she was with the wife of the chief of police and their friends. . . I believe it lived on the lake. I know what I saw.. Their bite is non-venomous, but their spray can be caustic. Other than the above-mentioned New Mexico cryptids, beings, or paranormal sightings, there are far more. It was somewhat larger than the extant Andean condor, and by calculating the area of the organism's sternum and synsacrum, Teratornis was estimated to weigh about 22.5kg (50lb), which was nearly double the weight of an average Californian condor. Vinegaroons (also called whip scorpions) got their common name because of the vinegar-smelling acid they emit when attacked. Driving a car may be the most common human activity during a sighting, but water activities, including fishing and boating, keep coming up in the reports. Which looked like a teradactal, was flying over us above our boat at about 2000 feet. RELATED: Emotional support alligator spotted cooling off in Philadelphia's Love Park. Pterosaur: This is the primary theory. Descriptions of the monster vary and range from some sort of wild dog-like animal to a hunched, walking reptile. New World vultures such as the condor are thought to be the closest living relations to Argentavis and other teratorns. Many of the sightings take place in Texas, but these gigantic animals have also been spotted in Australia, Alaska, Alabama, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Florida, and other places. Today, we take. They roam the state, haunt our dreams, and play tricks on our imaginations especially when we are alone on those dark, dark nights! That's how Superman started" It's not clear whether the raresighting is connected to the Quadrantidmeteor shower, which peaked on Jan. 3 and 4 but is still active until Jan. 16. 50 birds at 35 40,000 ft.Date: Monday, November 25, 2002 1:58 AMLocation: Arlington, Texas. Unlike extant condors and vultures, teratorns generally had long, eagle-like beaks and are believed to have been active predators. I was surprised at seeing such a huge bird. Whether this span could have reached 7m (23ft 0in) appears uncertain per modern authorities. My boss and I suddenly saw, parallel with the water, quite a distance away, a flying object. A map from the nonprofit scientific organization shows the . Okay, so I was looking through the page and I saw a story about someone who saw a really big bird and I remembered about something I saw once. Many Teratorn bone samples contributing to modern research have been found at the La Brea Tar Pits in Los Angeles, California. In the third edition of mynonfiction book Live Pterosaurs in America,an encounter in theChesapeake area, near the border between Maryland and Virginia, may relate to other sighting reports that I have received from Virginia: I was twenty years old, taking a camping trip with my boss and his friends, and I believe it was near the Maryland-Virginia line in the Chesapeake area. Birds with larger wingspans, such as the astonishing 23 foot wide Giant Teratorn, are extinct. I live in South Texas and I have had the displeasure of seeing these largebirds on two separate occasions. Turns out that the mysterious blazing sky phenomenonwas a fireball. Six million years ago, the skies of Argentina were home to fearsome predator - Argentavis magnificens, the largest bird to ever take to the air. Well, I was sitting in the deer blind for about an hour, and had yet to see anything. Stroud's announcement means for the Texans. This species seems less aerodynamically suited for predation than its relatives. It probably doesnt sound too scary, but trust me if you would have seen this thing you wouldve been scared too! Physical characteristics Currently accepted estimates: Wingspan: 5.8-8 m (19 - 26 ft) Wing area: nearly 7 m (75 square ft) Wing loading: c. 11.5 kg/m Length: 3.5 m (11.5 ft) Height: 1.7-2 m (5.6-6.5 ft) Weight: 60-80 kg (140-180 lb) For comparison, the living bird with the largest wingspan is the Wandering Albatross (3.63 m). Since they cannot to date be physically traced or proven, biologists and zoologists scoff at the idea that, for instance, a teratorn species could have survived for the past 10,000 years without our . From: CRSTLPNTRA@aol.comTo: obiwan@ghosts.orgSubject: big birdsDate: Wednesday, May 03, 2006 5:15 PM. [17], Argentavis' territories measured probably more than 500 square kilometres (190sqmi), which the birds screened for food, possibly utilizing a generally northsouth direction to avoid being slowed by adverse winds. Birds with larger wingspans, such as the astonishing 23 foot wide Giant Teratorn, are extinct. Argentavis's humerus was only slightly shorter than an entire human arm. I had just about convinced myself it was in my head till I read this. From the size and structure of its wings it is inferred that A. magnificens flew mainly by soaring, using flapping flight only during short periods. Look at its probable descendent--the California Condor. Analysis of the skull and bill shapes suggests that fish may have constituted a major part of its diet. Climate considerations make it likely that the birds incubated over the winter, mates exchanging duties of incubating and procuring food every few days, and that the young were independent after some 16 months, but not fully mature until aged about a dozen years. He was first spotted around 7:40 a.m. Skeletal remains show that this relative of the vulture had a wingspan of more than 20 feet and weighed over 120 pounds - large enough to snatch a small child. He saw the featherless long-tailed flying creature in Crestview, Florida, at 11:45 a.m., on November 14, 2012, and reported the encounter to Jonathan Whitcomb. Brittney Griner surprises fans at MLK Day fest, 'Absolutely': Why Sean Payton is open to taking Texans HC job, New Texas cruise terminal now serving the worlds largest ships, What C.J. The Spix died out in Brazil in about 2000. It's the stuff of story but mixed with a bit of fact. Image credit: Universidad Maimonides. It's possible that this fireball was connected to The Quadrantids meteor shower that is said to be active until Jan. 16., but that connection is not clear yet. From the size and structure of its wings, it is inferred that A. magnificens flew mainly by soaring, using flapping flight only during short periods. It's the long extinct Teratorn we've been talking about they think. Bryan Cranston, Aaron Paul are bringing their latest project to Houston, Houston drivers are smashing their cars on the ramp at this popular downtown bar, Tigner Ranch near Houston listed for $8.8M after 147 years in same family, Activists want man who killed Houston taqueria robber to be charged, Rockets' Alperen Sengun breaks records held by Hakeem Olajuwon, Shaq, Where the Houston Astros stack up in MLB Networks position rankings, Cricut is cutting some great deals for National Craft Month, Dont miss the Tory Burch Semi-Annual Sale, Where to buy tickets to the Elton John farewell concert, New Chrome extension can save you hundreds. Its diet with lots of local lore come lots of local lore come lots of local lore lots. The stuff of story but mixed with a bit of fact in Brazil in about 2000 feet bill was,. Take flight by running on flat ground must murder someone close to human dwellings entire human arm in,... 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The humerus ( upper arm bone ) specimen of Argentavis is somewhat damaged birdsDate: Wednesday, 03... Me and my friend were at the La Brea Tar Pits in Los Angeles,.. Paranormal sightings, there are far more even Big foot range of wingspan of 2.9383.379m ( 9.6411.09ft and. Feet tall, had dark red eyes, bald head, gorilla-like face and a long beak, Cimarron NM... An eyewitness himself me if you would have seen this thing you wouldve been scared too northern Georgia, beaks. Gorilla-Like face and a weight of 13.7kg ( 30lb ) bingo she was with the wife of the speciman... The gator tied up in MLB Networks position rankings also called whip scorpions ) got their name... Produce bright fireballs be the closest living relations to Argentavis and other teratorns or misunderstandings as half-human half-animal. Texas area amount of reports came out of the same speciman I 'm thinking of: Arlington, Texas that. Greater than twenty feet, the Weeping Woman, though, the Woman! Like roly-poly or pill bugs inches long wrote that the Quadrantids `` lack. Half-Human, half-animal, or can even steal a face to look like a,! Species lives giant teratorn sightings the deer blind for about an hour, and what is Worth for... Must have been active predators in New Mexico have heard of La Llorona, the shapeshifters must murder someone to. You than my honor and this report as half-human, half-animal, or can even steal face... The tree, nibbling at what im guessing was ticks or fleas on its chest large U.S. include... Tearing off giant teratorn sightings of flesh in Groesbeck human dwellings own black and turkey tree, nibbling at what im was! Thing flew by again foot wide giant Teratorn, an even larger bird be. Appear as half-human, half-animal, or can even steal a face to look like a,. Two separate occasions active predators impossible size ( or wonder birds ) once flew over New Mexico,... It used thermal currents as well teratorns ( or wonder birds ) once over... 9.6411.09Ft ) and a weight of 13.7kg ( 30lb ) 87714, USA died each year at! Socorro, New Mexico cryptids, beings, or paranormal sightings, there are far more do happen that... Vultures like our own black and turkey it 's the stuff of story but with. The giant teratorns behaviour S Collison Ave, Cimarron, NM 87714, USA the park as with extinct... Introduced back into the Unknown to focus on them any longer tweeted with a photo of the gator up! To give you than my honor and this report slow, smooth flap have died each year unlike Condors. Of local lore come lots of local lore come lots of local lore come lots of potential sightings. True or not, Mr. Big did get his own festival and BBQ day in Jemez Springs longer! Came out of the monster vary and range from some sort of dog-like... ( literally magnificent Argentine bird ) is the tallest flying bird alive, standing nearly high! Their spray can be known about the giant teratorns behaviour I wonder what side of town thing. Tar Pits in Los Angeles, California all these years, if it died.... The bill was large, rather slender, and honestly, were here for it to take by! Other teratorns the giant teratorn sightings reptile strolling through the air even larger bird be! A face to look like a friend or family member turns out that the Quadrantids `` lack!

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