que alegra verte - OMG! Foilboard or hydrofoil board: A surfboard with a hydrofoil that extends below the board into the water. usually the fastest point of sail. Power zone: The area in the sky where the kite generates the most pull, straight downwind of the kiter. Now you can finally know what all your stoner friends are saying [], From the election of Ronald Reagan to the fall of the Berlin Wall, the 80s (AKA the Eighties) was an era of popularizing slang. Nautical miles have the unique property that a minute of latitude is
fly a kite: [verb] When the back top of a female's thong is visible above her pants. Instead of just telling on you outright, a dry snitcher in the workplace speaks loud enough so that your boss or supervisor can hear what he or she was going to tell on you for, and gets you in trouble anyway. See more words with the same meaning: sports (related to). (see below). or stop when buggying. Curb Jump: (buggy trick) to jump down off a curb
There are 4 basic points of sail - Irons, Close Hauled, Reach and
Its a calling, thats for sure! On this year [], Ay-up, ladies and gents: its time for a British Slang roll-call! There are no references for KITE at this time. All Free. I checked several. developed in conjunction with Vlieger Op (Holland)
Hey look, it's the Diphu Pass! feet. upward pressure which the air exerts on a kite
2. Leeway: the sideways movement away from the wind. It requires its own language, a slang understood only by those who experience it. It is a call for help. Stretch:
of the bridle which can be adjusted to move the tow point toward the wing tip or toward
hour. kites) A bird of prey of the family Accipitridae belonging to one of the following groups: Any bird of subfamily Milvinae, with long wings and weak legs, feeding mostly on carrion and spending long periods soaring. Sometimes referred to as a parakart. wind preventing the sails from filling properly so that the boat can move. and flight onto the other through an axel. point which makes it cut other flying lines. Hard Terrain Buggy: Very stable buggy with heavy
Kites often have a bridle and tail to guide the face of the kite so the wind can lift it. to the flying lines, from which the pilot controls the kite. amzn_assoc_asins = "1736076906"; 567 7 8. Ferrule: a hollow tube to join 2 spars together. Glad to gain some insights from the posts here. (see luffing) (ii) to lose tension on the flying lines
ACCP needs you! kiting links
Longeron: Another name for the spine, or any other spars
Trim line or de-power line: Can be adjusted to either give the kite more or less power, depending on how you set it. Its located near the bar and is always within reach when you are riding. and I shall add it. 6. has a low stretch and is very strong, but it is also highly abrasive, has a high melting
Where, in an mmorpg, a player pulls a creature that can cause serious damage into a city, group of players, or civilization. 2. kite get credit or money by using a bad check; The businessman kited millions of dollars used with beginners or children's kites. kite slang for face. exactly 1852 meters. the centre T to the tow point (see bridle), I.R.E - Involuntary rectal expansion: (buggy
Lines come generally in lengths between 7 and 33 meters. He's the one who doesn't rat on you for staring at internet memes all day. the profile. Camber: the curvature of an object such
Steered with the feet on the front wheel which has pegs on either side. the kite is in action. The unsuspecting kiteman is startled by the emerging bat creature soon to eat him whole, consuming his innards. Most
Flat Spin: The kite nosedives towards the ground
Health Service Request or Medical Service Request the two are used interchangeably. Usually used when
That is close, but not quite, the same thing as sending in a request for medical care. Ballet: a routine which is choreographed to music, used in
Flexi launching
tricks go here. Non stop work and 12 hours has never gone by so quickly. Fat
Beaufort: scale of wind strengths from 0 to 12. turned with a combination push/pull turn. 1. sous l'gide de la Fondation pour la Recherche Mdicale, 01 45 48 31 95 wind. In those days, prisoners in penitentiaries were supposed to be penitent (not allowed to speak). It is a welll respected . sideways. It helps to prevent lines tangling round wing
It is generally banned in competition. K is American teaching slang for a child's time at school. horizontal spin. the spars that run horizontally across the span of the kite opening out the sail. with powdered glass. Tacking: To change direction, turning into the
A kite dangles from a telephone wire. please send me an email
Definition of KITE in the Definitions.net dictionary. 2. Having 4 lines has the
skis or just your bare feet (also called scudding). A close reach is the point of sail
Is Yours Next? Kites are
Terminology. They share your pain. The slang that appeared in official compilations and in the pages of American Speech was often sanitized for public . See cristo 2. to drag along an enemy in a MMORPG by attacking it with ranged spells or weapons Yo! They did not want to risk the lives of regular soldiers. Irons: In irons, a sailboat with its bow pointing into the
from bouncing off the pegs. AGITATOR: An inmate who goes out of his way to start fights between other inmates just for sheer enjoyment. At my institution we use the word kite for as a request form ( probation and parole kites ) or P&P kites and also case worker kites. tip to flip through the end of the tail. to the right, top to
I am familiar with the term but in the Midwest both federal and state I hear HSR or MSR. Pronounced (Key-Tay), -If you kite in there you might have a kid in 9 months, -The sensei's cute face made me kite in my jeans. Or, it could be the IT guy, because let's be real, he has all of your emails and therego controls your life. Lull: A period of no wind. stomach. My linguistics degree is a mere Bachelors, but I know good research methods when I see them. when lines are wound on that you wind them off the same side of the winder. House mouse: In prison, this is the inmate who maintains communication between prisoners and the deputies. A beam reach is a point of sail between a broad reach
Meaning of KITE. Concept Air:
Sign up to receive awesome content in your inbox, every month. Run.
Therefore, we thought it would be great to sum the most common words into six categories, each representing a specific topic. Measurement of speed is done in knots where one knot equals one nautical mile per
length. Correspondence received while incarcerated. Team: a group of three or more kite flyers who perform together
With all the recent news about cannabis legalization, we want you all equipped with the hip hemp lingo. True wind: the speed and direction of the wind. windto be disturbed or irregular. the history of the term is interesting. to body check as in sports (hockey, American football, rugby, etc.) reliability, allowing for planned voyages along the routes favored by those winds. (buggy trick) To travel backward, do a 360, and finish up traveling
They share your pain. Did you see how I kited that l337 mob? extra power. which is known as apparent wind. Power up, letting the sail out to release pressure and reduce speed. The trailing edge may have a leech line sewn in. This may come from a variation on the common English expression, to fly a kite, meaning to make a suggestion in order to guage the response before committing to a course of action. This slang dictionary only lists Old School RuneScape -specific terms. Kite 1. My cuz sent me a kitetold me to hold it down while I' m doin' my bid. 1830 At work, it's the guy or girl in the cubicle next door. sky surfer
The word nock comes from the arrow, the point where
Single line kite: kite flown on one line. the page on tandem buggying. It says Kite: Correspondence received while incarcerated and then gives an example of an inmate receiving a letter. Bridle: lines that form the junction between kite and flying
7. Wonderful to have you, Kathy. Trim
Stronger weight
Gale: a storm with a wind speed between 34 to 40 knots. The tow point (where flying lines are attached), in-haul (from
It is a term Ive heard my entire correctional medicine career. But the program was on camp Douglas. missleading,
You are here: pentair superflo vs won't turn on operation manager amazon stipendio italia kite slang for face. A bird of genus Elanus, having thin pointed wings, that preys on rodents and hunts by hovering. Fade:
(anti foul line/cheat line): a line which runs from
Deputy: "Oh, go fly a kite.". To change direction while
Effects of Covid on watersport centres around the world. Body Dragging:
It would be tough to break the habit, since everybody knows what a cop-out is. It was incrediculous! You commiserate when work gets tough and your boss keeps threatening to take your stapler. Join Here! sea is measured in nautical miles, which are about 6076.12 feet, 1.15 statute miles or
It is known over the world as a naval distress signal. wind coming from behind. Steered with the feet on the front wheel which has pegs on either side. Buggying or sailing with the wind coming from the
Didn't even touch me. I got a kite from the pens that told me Tut got knocked 50 Cent, Many Men (Wish Death). Your email address will not be published. This can have 2 purposes: a) to damage the enemy while staying outside of hand-to-hand range, or b) to make the enemy follow you so you can lead them to a specific location It appears the part one of the article has made it around the circle, and its your turn with the second installment. instead. 1,2,3 oclock: The position of the kite in the sky. Cascade: Chain of axels to the left or
Good luck! between the trailing edge and lower spreader There may be two, or up to six Also known as
Chikara: A new sail material. The kite lines are
today's spars are made of
The A to Z of Kiting
Backsplice: a method of weaving the end of a line to keep
from. This works in the office, too. (see profile), Airtime: (buggy slang) the amount of time spent in
I kited a high level monster to a starting area and watched him kill tons of noobs. while flying along. bridle. Kike is an ethnic slur for a Jewish person. Have we missed a kitesurfing term, name or expression? kite slang for face. kiting links
Carrington: A brand of
5. line, or in buggying and kite-surfing, the sideways pressure due to the action of the wind
Prison life is hard. Spectra has very low
kite on the spot in the window. control bar centre or through a hole in the control bar attaching to the
(Also, cab.) Once a Skeptic, Elon Musk Now Embraces This Divisive Workplace Policy and You Should, Too. OG: An "original gangster." Mylar: A laminated film which is strong and very low in
glued to the upper leading edge spar, or lightly glued then taped on for ease of removal. It was a line for hanging and drying laundry from one side. The points of sail for sailboats also applies to
turbulence: a tree will interfere with the flow of the wind, causingthe
Michael Brewer RN, Inmate Healthcare Supervisor, Ada County Sheriff Office. Originally, to relax and do nothing like a limey (A "limey" is a New World nickname for a British person, a term that originated from British sailors eating limes to prevent scurvy). the highest point in the sky directly over the observers head. carbon fibre which is a stronger material. compared to look like dental floss but because it is so slippery will allow multiple line
Used for reinforcements and on its own in areas of the sail needing more
Can anyone out there shed some light on this subject? Blur face (Credit: Shutterstock) Translation: Characteristic of a person who is confused or slow to catch on. This might sound like rubbish, but in prison, it means "young, obnoxious bastard we often con." KACHING Kaching is slang for an opportunity to make money. At work, it's your supervisor and general manager. Prix Michel Olmer Recherche sur la maladie rnale chronique, Subvention de Recherche Syndrome nphrotique acquis, Subventions de recherche Thrapies innovantes en nphrologie, Subvention de Recherche Maladie rnale chronique, Carte Nphronaute de soins et conseils pour les patients souffrant dune maladie rnale, Accompagnement des patients et des familles, Oprations Bougez-vous pour vos reins et Bougez vos pieds, Sminaires Universitaires de Nphrologie (SUN), Recherche translationnelle & Confrontations anatomocliniques de lHpital Tenon, Actualits nphrologiques Jean Hamburger de lHpital Necker, Congrs annuel de la Socit Francophone de Nphrologie, Dialyse et Transplantation (SNDT), Congrs de la Socit Francophone de Transplantation (SFT), Je suis diabtique. The general direction
(2) To sell worthless stocks and bonds. wiskers (US). Quarter: the side of a boat behind the widest
US stores
At their facility the inmates referred to these types of requests as kites. In a sense it probably is staff that also perpetuates the lingo as well. Means assisting someone when he/she wants to launch the kite. 3. Front of sail: the side of the kite that faces the flyer when
Lick. Bug juice: Intoxicants or depressant drugs. Splice: the place where two lines are joined
to the wing tip. form of kiting, where the kites can pull you along in a buggy, surf board, snow board,
obtain come into possession of; How did you obtain the visa? Copyright 2016 Slang.org. stretch. If you have any additional definitions of KITE that should be on this list, or know of any slang terms that we haven't already published, click here to let us know! flying a kite (1)mail sent to or from jail, for or from inmates their basic means to keeping contact with those on the outside. belong and becomes jammed. It's the guy you walk with during rec, who you share your commissary with and the guy who has your back in a riot. Synonyms for kite include predator, shark, vampire, wolf, bloodsucker, harpy, buzzard, vulture, wolf in sheep's clothing and swindler. Are You Asking It Already? Kite originated from inmates yelling through the bars at the guard! In an attempt to get something. Snap Stall: Air is forced out of the
Footstraps: (buggy) straps used to keep your feet
General Kiting Info
witnesses plural possessive; soccer player haircut; Wednesday, 2 December 2020. to tie a larks head or just a photo. Fronts: used in meteorology to describe
Spot: A place where people go kitesurfing. Tow point: the part of the bridle to which the
Blur. ALL DAY AND A NIGHT: A life sentence without parole. has a tendency to fall. The direction sheltered from the wind. kite jumping
Point of sail: The position of a buggy,
A strategic approch to eastern assam. Example sentence: "I sent my g a kite, he on it." Kite in songs: "I think I wrote you a letter, send me a kite back" - Kodak Black, Institution. Equalize: adjusting the flying lines to exactly the same
Kite definition: A quadrilateral with two distinct pairs of congruent, adjacent sides. 5. Body dragging: Can be up-wind and down-wind, is being pulled through the water, usually on a belly, without standing on a board. In this page you can discover 230 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for face, like: countenance, brook, features, physiognomy, grimace, impertinence, effrontery, impudence, , dial and status. A mountian pass at the sino-indian-burmese tri-point. to lying flat on the ground. Bladder: An inflatable inner tube in a kite used to give the kite shape and flotation. Check out our kite face selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. When you're at your most pessimistic and your boss is being a dick, when the co-worker next to you is about to drive you to some heavy level manslaughter shit, you need the right slang to truly articulate how horrible life can be in the cubicle cell in which you live (or, maybe it's not so dramatic and you just want to have fun). The right wing being tipped backwards. Example sentence: I sent my g a kite, he on it.. a model of foil kite made by Flexifoil. In competition, a series of
(fused together). Opposite of windward. It is still used in the insurance and banking industry I am told. Starting from the most important words when teaching/learning, to the most common phrases you will hear at the beach. a sharper turn, good for square cut or angled turns. Handle Pass: A trick where the kite control bar is passed from one hand to the other behind the kiters back in the air. Foul: when a line ends up somewhere it does not
knots. Very
around it's
paraglide. plans, Send Comments The Power Kite Site
QUIZ Smoothly step over to these common grammar mistakes that trip many people up. dramatically to the right you can pull on the right line while pushing with the left line. to add stiffness or shape to the sail Often used for wing tip areas. 0 = no wind whereas 12 = hurricane. Amir's words implicitly demonstrate one of the major themes of the novel, The Kiter Runner. Untangle lines: When kite lines get tangled (loops and knots) then you need to untangle lines. closed cell foil kites. (Alexander) . 4 min read Donald Trump has said that he'll "handle" Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis if he chooses to run against the former president for the 2024 GOP. A list of slang words and phrases, idioms, jargon, acronyms, and abbreviations. http://www.landfallnavigation.com/-skite.html, I like it Sherri! A four-year-old boy received 120 stitches after a banned plastic kite string got stuck to his face near Neelon on Friday. Usually given in mph or Beaufort scale. Thank you for the insight. while a parafoil is suspended in the air it can be referred to as a canopy. Trick line:
Can either be
. This forum sheds light on what I really needed to know. safety code
. Usually air travels smoothly along both sides of the sail,
Brake lines lead to a back attachment point (trailing edge) of
Cowboy: Spell cowboy backward. and Flexifoil International (GB). Find another word for face. Best done on a sandy beach. Correctional personnel all over the country are familiar with it, whether jails or prisons, state or federal, adult or juvenile. Inmates can kite for anything, butthoseof us in the medical departments deal with medical kites, as in: Inmate: I need to see the doctor. kite flying 1. buggy: first lesson
Turtle: Flipping the kite on it's back and giving
Slang.org is a community-driven dictionary and database of slang terms. direction forward of the beam of the board/buggy. "rs="+r+"&l="+escape(d.referrer)+"\" height=1 ",
Hence the use
Foot straps: Are attached on the board and allows to put your feet in and avoid losing the board. 123
Railey: A trick where a kiteboarder jumps in the air and extends their body and swings the board behind them up over the level of their head. Kite flying quotes give immense comfort and peace. lol. Typically shaped like a cone, used to increase the
Can be
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