visual studio code exit full screen windows 10visual studio code exit full screen windows 10


It's free and open-source, however official download is under a proprietary license. For example, in JavaScript, the semi-colon (`; `) can be a commit character that accepts a suggestion and types that character. To open the Settings editor, use the following VS Code menu command: You can also open the Settings editor from the Command Palette (P (Windows, Linux Ctrl+Shift+P)) with Preferences: Open Settings or use the keyboard shortcut (, (Windows, Linux Ctrl+,)). // - failureInVisibleDocument: Open automatically when a test fails in a visible document. The latest State of JavaScript survey confirms findings from previous editions: Developers like and want static typing for the super-popular programming language. // The Linux profiles to present when creating a new terminal via the terminal dropdown. // Controls whether breakpoints should be shown in the overview ruler. // - disabled: Auto attach is disabled and not shown in status bar. This setting has no effect on toggling the menu bar with the Alt-key. // - crash: Sends OS level crash reports. // When enabled IntelliSense shows `issues`-suggestions. // Controls the visibility of the vertical scrollbar. `ui` extensions are installed and run on the local machine while `workspace` extensions are run on the remote. // Controls whether notifications do not disturb mode should be enabled while in Zen Mode. // When enabled, will trim all new lines after the final new line at the end of the file when saving it. // When enabled breadcrumbs show `object`-symbols. // Controls where the focus indicator is rendered, either along the cell borders or on the left gutter. "markdown.validate.referenceLinks.enabled". // - full: Each cursor pastes the full text. Workspace Settings- Settings stored inside your workspace and only apply when the workspace is opened. // Controls the terminal description, which appears to the right of the title. // Controls the maximum amount of lines that will be restored when reconnecting to a persistent terminal session. Code will check for updates automatically and periodically. // When enabled breadcrumbs show `class`-symbols. Unset it to inherit the value of `config.inputValidationLength`. (Windows) New configuration quitControl.enableQuitKeybindingOnWindows, defaults to true. // Controls whether copying without a selection copies the current line. // Controls whether code cells in the interactive window are collapsed by default. // The NPM Script Explorer is now available in 'Views' menu in the Explorer in all folders. // - false: Disable automatic repository scanning. Note: A VS Code "workspace" is usually just your project root folder. // Controls whether GIT_ASKPASS should be overwritten to use the integrated version. // Controls whether the minimap is hidden automatically. // Control whether the notebook editor should allow moving cells through drag and drop. // Traces the communication between VS Code and the HTML language server. // Controls whether a window should restore to Zen Mode if it was exited in Zen Mode. "javascript.preferences.importModuleSpecifierEnding". When set to 0, `editor.fontSize` is used. // Configure settings to be overridden for the jsonc language. // - first: Always select the first suggestion. // Controls the lexicographic sorting of file and folder names in the Explorer. Add a mapping here between the language and Emmet supported language. "typescript.updateImportsOnFileMove.enabled". // - auto: Remove adjacent closing quotes or brackets only if they were automatically inserted. // Controls whether the diff editor should be automatically closed when changes are stashed, committed, discarded, staged, or unstaged. // Controls the font for the input message. "debug.javascript.defaultRuntimeExecutable". // - beside: Open links beside the active editor. // Configure an interval in seconds during which the last entry in local file history is replaced with the entry that is being added. // - modified: Files and folders are sorted by last modified date in descending order. // Force git to use rebase when running the sync command. // Open the merge editor for files that are currently under conflict. // The file paths are relative to workspace and only workspace folder settings are considered. // Controls whether the editor shows CodeLens. The following example shows how you can customize settings for javascript and typescript languages together in your settings.json file: Configurations can be overridden at multiple levels by the different setting scopes. // Configure links that should not be validated. // Whether to draw custom glyphs for block element and box drawing characters instead of using the font, which typically yields better rendering with continuous lines. On most non-retina displays this will give the sharpest text. // Controls whether to force selection when using Option+click on macOS. // - output: Ports will be automatically forwarded when discovered by reading terminal and debug output. If so, does pressing F11 again bring you out of that mode? // Control whether save all dirty editors before running a test. There should now be just three settings. // Controls the side where to render the minimap. Extensions using `true` will always be enabled. This setting is overridden based on the file contents when `editor.detectIndentation` is on. If disabled, an editor will prefer to open in the currently active editor group. // Controls what type of git refs are listed when running `Checkout to`. // Controls whether lists and trees have smooth scrolling. More info about Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge, Customize window layouts and personalize tabs, Fonts and Colors, Environment, Options dialog box. Files are interwoven with folders. To get the maximum bit of screen real estate available, you can put your Visual Studio edit window in full-screen mode by selecting View | Full screen (or just pressing Shift+Alt+Enter). To get the maximum bit of screen real estate available, you can put your Visual Studio edit window in full-screen mode by selecting View | Full screen (or just pressing Shift+Alt+Enter). // When enabled IntelliSense shows `reference`-suggestions. "workbench.welcomePage.walkthroughs.openOnInstall". To find the latest version of VS Code, go to the VS Code release notes. // Controls font family of inlay hints in the editor. "typescript.disableAutomaticTypeAcquisition". // When enabled breadcrumbs show `package`-symbols. Edit the text or select the option you want to change to the desired settings. This value is ignored when `workbench.editor.showTabs` is disabled. // Object with environment variables that will be added to the VS Code process to be used by the terminal on Linux. // - always: Confirm if the terminal is either in the editor or panel. // When enabled, a language detection model that takes into account editor history will be given higher precedence. // When enabled, trusted domain prompts will appear when opening links in trusted workspaces. // - ignore: Don't insert or remove any semicolons. // - always: Always update links automatically. // When enabled, Outline shows `number`-symbols. // VS Code loads custom data on startup to enhance its CSS support for the custom CSS properties, at directives, pseudo classes and pseudo elements you specify in the JSON files. Deprecated due to being combined into the `telemetry.telemetryLevel` setting. // Controls whether a top border is drawn on tabs for editors that have unsaved changes. Child patterns may contain several special tokens: // - `${capture}`: Matches the resolved value of the `*` from the parent pattern, // - `${basename}`: Matches the parent file's basename, the `file` in `file.ts`, // - `${extname}`: Matches the parent file's extension, the `ts` in `file.ts`, // - `${dirname}`: Matches the parent file's directory name, the `src` in `src/file.ts`, // - `*`: Matches any string, may only be used once per child pattern, "${capture}, ${capture}.min.js, ${capture}.d.ts", "package-lock.json, yarn.lock, pnpm-lock.yaml". // If `true`, Emmet will use inline completions to suggest expansions. // - askUser: Will refuse to save and ask for resolving the save conflict manually. Would Marx consider salary workers to be members of the proleteriat? You can still display any of the tool windows you want by selecting them from the View menu. // Controls if the lines should wrap in the Debug Console. // Enable/disable showing completions on potentially undefined values that insert an optional chain call. // - tree: Show the repository changes as a tree. // Control which changes are automatically staged by Smart Commit. // Controls whether to prompt the user to store working changes in the cloud when using Continue Working On. Note: The example above changes the editor line number for all Color Themes, but you can tune colors per specific Color Theme or even create your own Color Theme extension. // Controls how to open items in trees and lists using the mouse (if supported). // - off: Disables all product telemetry. // Controls sorting order of editor history in quick open when filtering. Starting in the folder where you unzipped the samples, go to the Samples subfolder, then the subfolder for this specific sample, then the subfolder for your preferred language (C++, C#, or JavaScript). // - path: Repositories in the Source Control Repositories and Source Control views are sorted by repository path. // - filter: Filter elements when searching. // Controls the sizing of pinned editor tabs. All editor settings and some non-editor settings are supported. There is no menu, but the bar at the top still exists. // The minimum number of editor slots shown in the Open Editors pane. To enter full screen mode press [Shift + alt + enter] The same key combination is sued to exit full screen mode, or the Full Screen mode button which appears while you are in full screen mode can be clicked. Folders are displayed before files. // How long to wait, in milliseconds, after a test is marked as outdated and starting a new run. Enables Ctrl+Q to quit VSCode on Windows. // List of folders that are ignored while scanning for Git repositories when `git.autoRepositoryDetection` is set to `true` or `subFolders`. // - split: Splits the active editor group to equal parts. // Defines space handling after type assertions in TypeScript. // Enable Emmet abbreviations in languages that are not supported by default. When disabled, empty groups will remain part of the grid. "search.searchEditor.doubleClickBehaviour". // - editorGroup: Navigate only in editors of the active editor group. // Configure glob patterns for folders that should be excluded from automatic script detection. // - relative: Line numbers are rendered as distance in lines to cursor position. // Controls the memory available to VS Code after restart when trying to open large files. // Update the search query to the editor's selected text when focusing the search view. 2. // Remember the last git command that ran after a commit. "editor.bracketPairColorization.independentColorPoolPerBracketType". // When enabled, fetch all branches when pulling. Select this option to position comments at a consistent point next to your code. Only applies when `files.autoSave` is set to `afterDelay`. // - on: Always show variable values inline in editor while debugging. // Alternative command id that is being executed when the result of 'Go to Definition' is the current location. On Linux and Windows, this setting also affects the application and context menu appearances. // Controls the default view mode of the Problems view. Nearly every part of VS Code's editor, user interface, and functional behavior has options you can modify. // Controls the style of terminal cursor. // Prefer showing hovers above the line, if there's space. The Full Screen button code: Private Sub btnFullScreen_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnFullScreen.Click 'Set the application to full screen mode Bounds = My.Computer.Screen.Bounds btnRestore.Enabled = True btnFullScreen.Enabled = False End Sub // Configure settings to be overridden for the git-rebase language. // Controls if empty lines should be ignored with toggle, add or remove actions for line comments. Select General options, and under Settings, select Enable Virtual Space. // Controls enablement of Jake task detection. // Controls whether and how file paths are shown in the breadcrumbs view. // When enabled breadcrumbs show `null`-symbols. Disabling this will keep the editor open on such an event. The panel will open un-maximized. // Controls the delay in milliseconds after which quick suggestions will show up. // Alternative command id that is being executed when the result of 'Go to Implementation' is the current location. Even when disabled, extensions will still be able to cause ports to be forwarded, and opening some URLs will still cause ports to forwarded. {md,mkd,mdwn,mdown,markdown,markdn,mdtxt,mdtext,workbook}", "**/*.{jpg,jpe,jpeg,png,bmp,gif,ico,webp,avif,tiff,svg,mp4}". 1) or below (e.g. Is it possible to remove VS's menu from the full screen mode Shift + Alt + Enter. // An array of paths, where each path can contain Emmet syntaxProfiles and/or snippet files. // Controls whether a pattern is used for the diff decorations in gutter. // The default profile used on Windows. When Virtual Space mode is not enabled, the insertion point moves from the end of one line directly to the first character of the next. How could magic slowly be destroying the world? // Whether new shells should inherit their environment from VS Code, which may source a login shell to ensure $PATH and other development variables are initialized. // - Current: Open the diff view in the current editor group. // When enabled breadcrumbs show `interface`-symbols. // When local echo should be enabled. // A codicon ID to associate with terminal icons by default. "javascript.suggest.jsdoc.generateReturns". // Controls the commit message length threshold for showing a warning. "-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe WPC', 'Segoe UI', system-ui, 'Ubuntu', 'Droid Sans', sans-serif". This setting is only applied to entries that have the same source of origin. // Configure settings to be overridden for the go language. // When enabled IntelliSense shows `property`-suggestions. // The default location to clone a git repository. Requires a restart after change. // Do not use `width` or `height` when using `padding` or `border`. // Controls whether editors remain in preview when a code navigation is started from them. // Controls whether the minimap is shown. It's too bad there isn't a native VS setting for hiding menus like in SharpDevelope. The Solution Option 1 In your IDE, go to Test > Windows > Test Explorer. // - default: Uppercase and lowercase names are mixed together. // - index: Shorten `./component/index.js` to `./component/index`. // A multiplier to be used on the `deltaX` and `deltaY` of mouse wheel scroll events. // - modificationsIfAvailable: Will attempt to format modifications only (requires source control). Folders are displayed before files. // - always: Always open in current window. How do you tell the Visual Studio project type from an existing Visual Studio project, Visual Studio: "Apply Code Changes" is disabled. // Controls if the editor should render the current line highlight only when the editor is focused. // - mouseover: Only show the folding controls when the mouse is over the gutter. Select `left` or `right` to open editors to the left or right of the currently active one. // The Windows profiles to present when creating a new terminal via the terminal dropdown. If you like to switch between "Full Screen" mode in Visual Studio 2015, go to the "View" menu and click on the " Full Screen " menu item. // - focus: Focus side bar if the clicked item is already visible. Reruns individual tests when they are changed. A setting of 'toggle' means that the menu bar is hidden and a single press of the Alt key will show it. Note that this will cause all alt keystrokes to skip the shell when true. // Plays a sound when terminal Quick Fixes are available. In Virtual Space mode, spaces are inserted at the end of each line of code. Press Ctrl + R, T. "terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.linux". via the File menu). This number is multiplied by the terminal font size to get the actual line-height in pixels. Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. Please type the letters/numbers you see above. // Allow setting breakpoints in any file. // - position: Show symbol outline in file position order. // Controls whether unsaved files are remembered between sessions, allowing the save prompt when exiting the editor to be skipped. Third, get the window handle. // Customizes which terminal to run on Windows. Use `markdown.updateLinksOnFileMove.include` to configure which files trigger link updates. Remote settings - Apply to a remote machine opened by a user. // Validate reference links in Markdown files, for example `[link][ref]`. // Controls nesting of files in the Explorer. If enabled, an already opened editor will be revealed instead of opened again in the currently active editor group. // Enable/disable default LESS formatter. // When enabled IntelliSense shows `class`-suggestions. // - always: The folding controls are always visible. // Ignores the warning when there are too many changes in a repository. // - on: Show the file path in the breadcrumbs view. Must be the identifier of an extension contributing a folding range providers. All windows without folders opened will be restored upon next launch. You can continue to do this for as long as the drivers are disabled. Why is Visual Studio 2005 Debug Mode not working? // Controls whether the editor should run in a mode where it is optimized for screen readers. // - fileNames: Results are sorted by file names ignoring folder order, in alphabetical order. "search.quickOpen.history.filterSortOrder". When set to `true`, only the content around the current position in CSS/SCSS/Less files is parsed. These trace files can be used to diagnose TS Server performance issues. // Controls the behavior of empty editor groups when the last tab in the group is closed. // Controls the behavior of clicking an activity bar icon in the workbench. This setting also applies to opening files in an empty window which is trusted via ``. // - shrink: A pinned tab shrinks to a compact fixed size showing parts of the editor name. Consequently, the active editor in a locked group is less likely to be replaced accidentally with a different editor. This value is ignored when `workbench.editor.showTabs` is disabled. // Controls whether characters in strings should also be subject to Unicode highlighting. Refer to the `search.exclude` setting to define search-specific excludes. Here is the list of settings not supported in workspace settings: The first time you open a workspace that defines any of these settings, VS Code will warn you and then always ignore the values after that. // - large: Increases the size, so it can be grabbed more easily with the mouse. The type of quotes can be configured by `html.completion.attributeDefaultValue`. For example, you can choose which shell the Integrated Terminal should use. // - minimap: Show the diff decorations only in the minimap. How to tell if my LLC's registered agent has resigned? // Controls the sizing of editor groups when splitting them. `null` defaults to the `pre` tag. Set the `path` property manually with an optional `args`. Enable virtual space mode. // If an editor matching one of the listed types is opened as the first in an editor group and more than one group is open, the group is automatically locked. // Enable/disable snippet completions from TS Server. // - visible: Menu is always visible at the top of the window even in full screen mode. When used with ``, you can enable the full functionality of VS Code without prompting in an empty window. Example values: // - 1: Do nothing and use the standard theme colors. This setting will currently be ignored if either `` or `` are set. // Enable/disable references CodeLens on all functions in TypeScript files. // Use colors for errors and warnings on Outline elements. // Controls whether the editor should automatically surround selections when typing quotes or brackets. Note, this setting is not respected by text search. This feature lets you share settings, keyboard shortcuts, and installed extensions across your VS Code installs on various machines. // Convert URL-like text to links in the Markdown preview. "javascript.format.insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyParenthesis". // Selectors should not contain IDs because these rules are too tightly coupled with the HTML. You can also enter decimals to adjust the zoom level with a finer granularity. // Controls the height of the scrollbars used for tabs and breadcrumbs in the editor title area. For example, `c` on `Console` or `WebContext` but not on `description`. // When enabled IntelliSense shows `deprecated`-suggestions. // Controls whether the terminal bell is enabled. // Controls whether characters are highlighted that can be confused with basic ASCII characters, except those that are common in the current user locale. // - allEditorsInActiveGroup: Save all editors in the active group before starting a debug session. // Whether to include results from recently opened files in the file results for Quick Open. // Controls whether an action button is shown in the Source Control view. // Alternative command id that is being executed when the result of 'Go to Type Definition' is the current location. // Controls whether the semanticHighlighting is shown for the languages that support it. // Controls whether to show uncommitted changes in the Timeline view. // Controls the sort order of the repositories in the source control repositories view. // Preferences used to modify behavior of some actions and resolvers of Emmet. ); you get to keep the menu bar and the tabs for your open files (though the tabs' appearance is altered to take up less room). // Configure settings to be ignored while synchronizing. // Controls whether snippets are shown with other suggestions and how they are sorted. Then,why is my screen stuck in full screen? "javascript.format.insertSpaceBeforeAndAfterBinaryOperators". If using `search.searchEditor.reusePriorSearchConfiguration`, this can be set to `null` (empty) to use the prior Search Editor's configuration. // The maximum number of editors shown in the Open Editors pane. // Controls the visibility of view header actions. The identifier of an extension is always `${publisher}.${name}`. // Local echo will be disabled when any of these program names are found in the terminal title. // Controls the condition for turning on Find in Selection automatically. // Remove trailing auto inserted whitespace. "". // When enabled IntelliSense shows `user`-suggestions. // - path: Sort the repository changes by path. Use `default` for the workbench user interface font family, `editor` for the `editor.fontFamily`'s value, or a custom font family. If there's a shortcut for Test Explorer, I haven't found it yet. You can also view the default values in the Settings editor or see a read-only version of the defaultSettings.json via Preferences: Open Default Settings (JSON). // Restores the ports you forwarded in a workspace. // When enabled IntelliSense shows `constructor`-suggestions. // - manual: Disable automatic background update checks. // Controls the visibility of the horizontal scrollbar. // Controls whether the hover should remain visible when mouse is moved over it. from the command line). // By default, VS Code triggers property value completion after selecting a CSS property. // Automatically open the explorer view at the end of a debug session. Fully packed with a sweet array of tools and features to elevate and enhance every stage of software development. // Controls whether tabs are closed in most recently used order or from left to right. article. Not all processes that use ports will print to the integrated terminal or debug console, so some ports will be missed. // Ignores the warning when it looks like the branch might have been rebased when pulling. // The number of items to show in the Timeline view by default and when loading more items. // Render last line number when the file ends with a newline. // Controls strikethrough deprecated variables. Others are collapsed. // Controls the positioning of the actionbar on rows in the search view. // Plays a sound when the debugger stopped on a breakpoint. // Whether to include results from a global symbol search in the file results for Quick Open. // Defines allowed characters that are not being highlighted. // - highlight: Highlight elements when searching. // Prefix used when creating a new branch. // - antialiased: Smooth the font on the level of the pixel, as opposed to the subpixel. // When enabled breadcrumbs show `field`-symbols. Monitor Calibration on Windows 11 | Adjust Colour Settings | Remove yellow screen issue NEW POSTS // - status: Sort the repository changes by Source Control status. // Controls whether Outline items are collapsed or expanded. "terminal.integrated.persistentSessionScrollback". C# targetForm.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; targetForm.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None; targetForm.TopMost = true ; // - alwaysCommitToNewBranch: Always commit changes to a new branch. "terminal.integrated.mouseWheelScrollSensitivity". When you add a Workspace Settings settings.json file to your project or source control, the settings for the project will be shared by all users of that project. // Enables use of editor history in language detection. // - on: Folders will open in a new window. You can quickly clear a search term or filter with the Clear Settings Search Input button at the right of the Search bar. // - always: Always maximize the panel when opening it. When set to editor, terminals in the editor area will be marked as changed when they have child processes. // Configures whether a warning is shown when a provider is slow. // - never: Never restore the terminal buffers or recreate the process. If undefined, the user will be presented with a picker. // Enable updating links when a directory is moved or renamed in the workspace. // Controls how tree folders are expanded when clicking the folder names. // Controls whether the workbench should render with fewer animations. // When enabled, Outline shows `key`-symbols. If not set, the host name is used. // When enabled breadcrumbs show `variable`-symbols. // Controls diff decorations in the editor. The simple file dialog replaces the system file dialog when enabled. // - auto: Unusual line terminators are automatically removed. // Whether the cell status bar should be shown. Read about the new features and fixes from November. Use `workbench.colorCustomizations` to override the bracket highlight colors. "terminal.integrated.sendKeybindingsToShell". The Go to Definition and Open Link mouse gestures will adapt such that they do not conflict with the multicursor modifier. Even after you maximize Visual Studio's window you don't yet have the maximum space for working with code and the Visual Studio's visual designers. // - default: Sub-pixel font smoothing. // - inherit: Lines will wrap according to the `editor.wordWrap` setting. // - type: Show symbol outline in symbol type order. // - focused: Show the count badge of the focused Source Control Provider. // Enable/disable inlay hints for implicit types on property declarations: "javascript.inlayHints.propertyDeclarationTypes.enabled". "javascript.format.placeOpenBraceOnNewLineForFunctions". Microsoft released this extension that hides the menu bars. Changing this setting has no effect on existing local file history entries. "interactiveWindow.collapseCellInputCode". If this value is false, the window will only scroll if the last cell was already the one scrolled to. You can share your user settings across your VS Code instances with the Settings Sync feature. // Shows possible Emmet abbreviations as suggestions. // - insert: Insert suggestion without overwriting text right of the cursor. // Controls the location of the primary side bar and activity bar. How (un)safe is it to use non-random seed words? // Enable/disable suggestion diagnostics for TypeScript files in the editor. This number is relative to the font size. // - commandWithGroupAndKeys: Command title and keys, with the command prefixed by its group. This opens the Language Mode picker with an option Configure 'language_name' language based settings. // - welcomePageInEmptyWorkbench: Open the Welcome page when opening an empty workbench. 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