How to Wash a Hat


Anything with body contact need cleaning and hats are no exception.

It is not wrong to say that hat is among one of those accessories which can be carried  by anyone from any age group, include kids, teenagers, women, men, older adults.but like any wearing accessories it needs  washing time to time.  

The common problem which is attached by any hat is that it can gets quickly dirty due to dirt, debris, and sweat.Not only this it starts to stinking so badly that you can’t even tolerate it for a second and want to get rid of it.

Hence, the first thought which comes in your mind is to wash the hat as soon as possible. However, washing the hat might seem  as simple, but at times it becomes very complicated and challenging if you not remain conscious and result may not be favorable

Moreover,  hat is available in such a wide style and variety that adds to the complication to choose which method to choose from.  Here we have provided you some ways.

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Thing to Remember while Washing Hats

  1. Check the label of hat their specific instruction is given to clean the hat. Because cleaning and washing style varies from fabric to fabric and some materials don’t require washing; otherwise, it damages the hat.
  2. Sense the fabric by touching because cleaning depends on material. For example, there are separate cleaning procedures, such as for cotton, silk and wool.
  3. To determine the age of the hat is another crucial step that plays a vital role in cleaning the hat. Because with time, different material are used in its designing, for example, in the 80s, cardboard material is used in the making of a baseball cap. At the same time, today hat is made up of more durable material. Thus, there are different washing techniques.

Washing Hats by hands


  1. Mild detergent
  2. Small bowl
  3. Cold water

Overflow the Tub  with Cold Water

It is your choice to either wash the cap in sink or do it in the tub or small bowl. Before starting to wash, always remember to check the temperature of water. Keep it cold because hot water can damage the color of the hat.

Image result for plastic tub with water

Add  a Detergent

Your first thought when you are adding the detergent is that if your hat is looking dirty, put lot of detergent in the bucket to clean the hat. But only a teaspoon is enough for getting rid of the stubborn stains.
Mix it well enough until it has dissolved completely.

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Check Whether Washing is Good or not?

It is advised that before washing the entire hat, always rinse the small area first. The method for checking whether it is suitable or useful for the hat or not is dipped the hat in water for 2 minutes to find out..

If color is coming from it or not if it is fading the color discontinue the procedure and adopt something else. Like spot cleaning

Drench  the Hat

If is not discoloring your hat. Then soak the entire hat if the hat has not so much dirt keep it for 30 minutes. But for removing the stubborn stains, you have to keep it for 15 minutes by applying soap or non-bleach stain remover and keep it for more time if there are hard to remove stains.

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Wash  the Soap

For getting rid of the soapy water, put it under the tap of running water so that the solution can altogether get removed from a hat. Keep it under the water until the soap can be erased entirely.

When the soap is wash out remove the excess water from it by the help of towel and squeeze the hat gently hands. Keep the hat in ventilated place so that it can be dry,


  1. Use the soap or detergent according to the fabric.
  2. Apply the washing on the parts first which are not visible.
  3. Never hang hat in direct sunlight.

Washing Hat in the Washing Machine

Image result for washing hat with machine


  1. Garment bag
  2. Detergent
  3. Cold water

Scrub Off Stubborn Stain

Similar to the hand washing, you have to remove the stains first before washing out the hat. With the help of a toothbrush and mild detergent, you can rub the dirt and grime.

Image result for toothbrush

After that, put it in the garment bag to avoid any damage and keep the hat in good shape.

Cleaning  the Hat

Put your hat in the washing machine and wash it with cold water. Remember to keep the temperature of the washing machine not too high and the cycle not so fast; otherwise, it will create harm to the hat.

After that dry your hat indoor by the towel because the dryer can destroy the shape.


  1. Baking soda with detergent prevents the hat from fading.
  2. Always use garment bag to retain the hat its shape.
  3. Never use chlorine bleach.

   Washing  a Woolen Hat

Image result for washing woolen hat


  1. Bucket
  2. Detergent
  3. Towel
  4. Woolen soap

Hand Washing

If your hat is synthetic material like nylon, polyester, acrylic or knits then wash it with cold water. Otherwise, for cashmere or wool hat take the Luke warm water.

The temperature for lukewarm is recommended 85 F° or 29 C° . But make sure the sink or bucket is full of water so that the hat is cover with water

Take 1 tablespoon of detergent in 1-gallon water and mix it well so that it is equally distributed. Put the hat for 2 to 5 minutes and press the hat by both the hands gently so, the detergent can absorb. Never stretch or rub the hat as it will damage it.


Image result for washing hat with dish soap

Now empty your sink or bucket and fill it with clean water. Squeeze the hat against the water so the water is fully absorbed and detergent has completely removed after this press the hat gently so that the excess soap and water can be released.

Take a towel and layout on the flat surface and place the hat on one side start rolling the towel along with a hat and squeeze it gently to soak up the excess water, the last step is to put the hat in the well-ventilated place but not in direct sunlight.

Image result for how to wash woolen hat

Machine Washing

Check out the label before washing it in machine the hat because specific there are specific directions mentioned for every material. . if the direction for machine washing is given then place it garment bag because if you place it directly the wool can be stretched.

Add the mild detergent on the exterior drawer of machine and set on the delicate setting and 85 F° because higher temperature and hard Spain can damage hat. Put it on the rack in the well-ventilated area to dry out the hat.



  1. You can use wool knit for wool hats and also use baby shampoo for cashmere hat.
  2. To back the hat in its original shape, you can put a plastic bag.
  3. Always take a large towel to dry hat.

Washing the Straw Hat

Image result for washing straw hat


  1. Mild detergent
  2. Water
  3. Cloth
  4. Hydrogen peroxide
  5. Gum eraser
  6. Soft brushed


Straw hat usually comes with attached ribbons, decorative pieces, etc. So, if it is removable, remove it. Then read the instructions mention in the label for cleaning the hat. Many times the dirt and grime particles are attached to which give it a faded look remove it with a bristled brush or if it is deep down vacuum it.

After that, the remaining dust can be clean by taking hydrogen peroxide, and warm water in equal proportion don’t dip your hat entirely in that solution as it can damage the hat. Take a white cloth and damp it in solution or spray solution to wipe out the hat.

Image result for hydrogen peroxide

Then make a mixture of soap and water and gently apply it in a circular direction with the help of cloth or spray.

Image result for how to wash straw hat

If it is mentioned to wash the hat, then dip the hat in warm water or if it is not, then damp the cloth to remove the residue of soap. Put it in the cool ventilated area to let it dry

Get Rid of Spots

To erasing the oil stains, you need to pour telecom powder on the hat. Keep it for one or two hours so that it can absorb the oil stain. Furthermore, the remaining powder can be clear by the soft-bristled brush or vacuum cleaner.

Image result for talcum powder

The sweat can easily penetrate into the hat and leave salt residues on the hat. You need to take immediate action and wipe it with the cloth. Moreover, if it does not produce desired results for dark color straw hat take half a teaspoon ammonium and half teaspoon water. Apply it on the brush and scrub it on the stains.

Image result for ammonium solution

For the light color straw hat, take a hydrogen peroxide and water both in half teaspoon. Dip the brush in it and rub it against the marks to get it off


When the hat is scrubbed off many times then automatically the scuff marks appear that gives a dirty look to the hat to remove it you need to apply a gum eraser to erase it.


  1. Always chose a white cloth because the color cloth can bleed its color.
  2. Always wipe it with the moist cloth. Don’t make the cloth too wet.
  3. Put your hat in a hatbox to keep it in shape.

Removing  the Stubborn Stains from Hat

Image result for REMOVING the STUBBORN STAINS from HAT


Sometimes stains are too stubborn that it will not go on its own, and you need to apply some remedies to deal with the marks that are difficult to remove.

Enzymes will Do wonders

Enzymes for cleaning can be readily available in local stores or online. Mix it well with the warm water so it can be dissolved completely. Afterward, dip your hat in the mixture for about 20 minutes or more if the marks are tough then wash it either by hand or in washing machine. This method is only applicable to cotton and polyesters

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Sweat Marks Erasing Paste

Sweat from hair can quickly transfer to the hair; it smells the hat badly that it can’t go back by simple washing. Take four tablespoons of baking soda in a bowl and add warm water in it mix it well till the paste is form.

Pour the adhesive on the area where there are stains, take the brush and rub it against the stains. Furthermore, leave it for one hour, and so it can be soaked thoroughly.

After this, wash it with water and dry the hat with the towel to speed up the drying process open the fans and windows.

Image result for baking soda

Apply Some Dishwasher

Dishwasher does a fantastic role in removing the stubborn stains add the small amount of dishwasher always select the dishwasher that is chlorine free because it can damage the color.

While scrubbing the stains, let it soak for minutes or hour depending upon the stains. Then rinse it with cold water. This method is useful on the fabric like cotton, jersey, or polyester but not for cardboard.Image result for dishwasher detergent


Washing the hat at home is not so difficult. But you need to remain very conscious and apply the method after checking the fabric because some require spot cleaning while others require deep cleaning. Other things to keep in mind are that always take those cleaning solution which are suitable for the fabric.

Above, we have discussed cleaning of some common types of hats which are usually carried we hope so after reading that it will make your washing experience easier.


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