How to Wash Mouse Pad


Think of the last time you or anyone you knew thought about washing a mousepad!

If it is not due to staining, no one really cares about washing a mouse pad. However, when it comes to computer use, your hands touch regularly on the mouse pad and thus its cleanliness is extremely important. It needs to be washed and cleaned as needed.

Imagine you are working on your daily task and enjoying performing your task with full concentration while having coffee or snack. But just all of a sudden, it spills on your mouse pad and makes it full of stains. Or, due to regularly using the mouse pad, the dirt and debris particles are attached to it, which makes it dirty.

The stains and marks can be easily noticed, but the dirt marks cannot be easily seen and may remain ignored for many years. Many of you astonished with the idea that in literal, does the mouse pad needs washing and how it can be done? here are the ways that can not only clean it but also increase its life time.

Mouse pads are made with various materials and each may need its own attention. Let us explore:

Types of material of Mouse Pads

Mouse pads are available in wide assortments. Hence, the cleaning and washing of the pad depending on which material it is made.

Cloth Mouse Pads

The cloth  mouse pad has a base of rubber, and the top of the pad is made of cloth. The reason for the rubber base is that the cloth material edges are stitched. Hence to prevent the fraying and provide you a solid support to move your cursor freely.

Plastic or Rubber Mouse Pads

These mouse pads upper surface are made up of matte material, and the bottom surface is narrow mostly these mouse pads also consist the sticker at one end it allows you to give a firm grip to your hand to move mouse effortlessly

Hard Material Mouse Pads

The mouse pad is made up tough texture if it like hard plastic that has encompassed the cloth material. Moreover, the highlighted advantage is that it gives you a more firm base as compared to other mouse pads.

Wrist Mouse Pads

If you want the endless use of the mouse without pain  to your wrist, then this will be the best solution because the mouse pads are filled with gel like substance. it will erase the stress so you can focus on your work.

Cleaning the Mouse pad  with Slight Dust


  1. Vacuum
  2. Microfiber cloth

How to wipe

Sometimes the mouse pads don’t need extensive cleaning and clean by the simple methods. You can use a vacuum cleaner to getting rid of the dust particles because many times, layers of the dust are deeply attached to the mouse pad.

But if you think that dust layers are not too strong, then you can also wipe it off from the microfiber cloth and get the crystal clear mouse pad.

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Washing Cloth Mouse Pads

Mouse pads, which are made up of fabric, are easy to clean as compare to other methods. The following are the step which you can adopt.

Image result for cloth mouse pad


  1. Cloth
  2. Brush
  3. Sponge
  4. Towel
  5. Laundry detergent or shampoo

Get Rid Off Stubborn Stains

The first step is to fill either tub, bucket, or sink with water. But make sure the temperature of the water is not too hot or too cold. Because hot water can damage the mouse pad and colder temperature would not take out the dirt and grime particles.,

the moderate temperature will be ideal for the mouse pad. Fill up with the sufficient water that your mouse pad entirely covers with it

Scrub Off the Stains

Add 1 tablespoon of shampoo or a mild detergent in the water and mix it well so that the soap can completely dissolve. Because water is not enough for the treatment of the stubborn stains, and you need the solution for rubbing off the stains.

After this, take the brush or sponge to rub against the stains. Rub your brush several times until the dirt is completely removed. Don’t be panic if you see the solution is turning brown or green color because this means that you are scrubbing your pad in the right way.

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Rinse the Mouse Pad

After cleaning all the dirt. It’s time to wash out your mouse pad with clean water. Either fill your tub with clean water or directly put in under the tap of running water wash it thoroughly that soap can be removed entirely, and you can get crystal clean mouse pad.

After this to remove the excess of moisture squeeze it gently to avoid the dripping of the water. If it does not work that wrap the mouse pad in the towel so that the excess water can be absorbed and leave it for a while so the excess water can be dry

Dried out the Mouse Pad

To dryout the mouse pads, you need to hang in the area where there is enough air passage and open the windows and fans to dry up the pad. But avoid hanging in direct sunlight as it can fade the color of the mouse pads.

Moreover, if  the ventilated place is not available, then you can dry it with the dryer but maintain the distance as the direct heat can damage the mouse pad. Keep wiping the mouse pad for long because the moisture can penetrate inside the mouse pad.

How to Clean Hard Surface Mouse pad

The hard surface mouse pad doesn’t require direct washing. Only wiping with a wet cloth

  1. Household cleaner
  2. Sponge

Cleaning it with a Sponge

Take a sponge or a cloth to clean the dirt and dust can also use a bristled brush to dust off. The next step is to wet the cloth by the household cleaner to clean the remaining particles always while scrubbing keep your hands gentle.

But first, apply it on the edge of the pad to determine whether it is damaging the pad or not if it is not working then purchase another cleaner .

Image result for household cleaner

Spot clean Mouse pad

After applying the cleaning solution well on every side of the mouse pad and scrubbing is done well. Then take the sponge to spot clean it and apply it in a circle to make sure that the solution is pass out from the mouse pad. You need to use this procedure multiple of times to make sure there is no soap left.

Image result for SPOT CLEAN MOUSE PAD

Dried out the Mouse Pad

Use the towel to absorb the excess moisture from the mouse pad. Put it in the well-ventilated area or under the window, leave it for a few hours so that the mouse pad dried completely.

How to Clean Metal Mouse Pad

The metal can be damaged if you wash it so just like rubber and plastic so wipe it

Image result for hard material mousepad


  1. Damp cloth
  2. Cloth
  3. Cleaner
  4. Vacuum

Taking Off  the Dust and Grime Particles

Try to clean the particles as many as you can. You can use a brush or vacuum to clean out the particles so the significant portion can be removed out.

Grab  Cleanser

For the remaining particles that are not clean by the vacuum. You can take the damp cloth and gently rub it against the mouse pads. You can also pour some good quality of cleanser on the stains because the marks are difficult to remove. Which can’t be removed by regular cleaning. Moreover, it also provides a shine to the mouse pad.

Image result for plastic mouse pad cleaning

Allow Drying

You can wipe the cleanser by the clean cloth, make sure that the cleanser removes out. Open the fans to dried out the mouse pad, and no moisture is left out.

How to Clean the Plastic Mouse pads

The plastic mouse pad is the easiest to clean because it is nonporous. Here is the detail to clean the mouse pad.


  1. Cleaning wipes
  2. Wet cloth
  3. Cloth

Cleaning Wipes will Do Wonders

You can wipe the dirt and debris with the help of cleaning wipes. You can get it easily from the market. Rub it gently against the stains to get off the grease or food spills. If it is not available, then use the cleaning solution with the help of a cloth.

Image result for CLEANING WIPES

Swap it with Cloth

After applying the solution mop it with the dry cloth until the cloth absorbs the whole solution. Otherwise, if it is remain, it will hinder the mouse working. When it is done, keep it to dry for a few minutes or may be an hour.

How to Clean Neoprene or Rubber Mouse Pad

Neoprene is often used in the mouse pad for a strong grip. it is a artificial pad and non-slippery


  1. Warm water
  2. sponge
  3. Cleanser


Create a Mixture

Take warm water in a bowl and create the mixture by adding one tablespoon of the mild detergent or cleanser in it. Don’t take too hot water; otherwise, it will destroy the rubber by the sponge. Gently scrub the edges of the mouse pad so that it can be clean. Moreover, you need to rub it until the particles get off from the pad.

Image result for rubber mouse pad

Air Dry

Soak it with the towel. Then leave it in the well ventilated until the mouse pad is dry.

Other methods

Machine washing

To save your energy and time, you can wash the mouse pad in the washing machine. But again, it depends on which fabric to fabric many fabrics are not suitable for machine washing.

If you make your mind to machine wash it then wraps it in the towels that will provide a protective layer to the mouse pad as many times the blade in the machine can tear off the edges of the mouse pad.

Furthermore, keep the setting of the machine on delicate setting and fill the washing machine with Luke warm water.

Cleaning of Other Materials

Leather Mouse Pads

This mouse pad needs special treatment for cleaning because of the fabric nature. The regular cleanser products will not work for them.

You can buy a special leather cleaner and apply it according to the instructions mention on the pack with the sponge. But don’t forget to clean it with the cloth after sometime. Image result for leather mouse pad

Glass Mouse Pads

These type of mouse pads are too delicate and need care for handling. For wiping up the dirt particle, you only need to clean it with the water and then absorb the water by the paper towel. You can also use a glass cleaner to give a shine to the pad.

Image result for glasssmouse pad

Electronic Mouse pads

Because of the electric wiring, you need to remain very conscious while cleaning the mouse pad. You can clean it with the help of cleanser wipes.

Image result for electronic mouse pad

Wrist Mouse Pad

Washing directly with water is not appropriate with it. So just wipe it with the cloth.

Image result for wrist mouse pad


  1. While cleaning the mouse pad also clean the mouse ball because sometimes it can hinder the movement of the mouse.
  2. Always check the fabric before cleaning.
  3. Allow enough time to dry
  4.  never use the harsh chemicals.


Mousepads, like any other component, need cleaning too from time to time. Because a dirty mouse pad can also hinder the movement of the mouse so your game or work can interfere.

It is necessary you can apply the specific methods according to the material. otherwise, wrong procedures can damage the material further.

In this article, we give you a comprehensive detail about cleaning procedures of some most common types of materials mouse pads which will help you in the cleaning process and make it easy


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