fomapan 400 vs hp5fomapan 400 vs hp5


Glad you found it useful! The look of Kentemere reminds me of those surveillance films, or JHC400, so maybe that would be the most direct comparison. [] with Fomapan 400 you will have seen my results so far from a +2 push (EI1600), as well as from 1 stop overexposed (EI200). I can definitely see that whereas the Kentmere 400 is tried and tested, seems to give consistent results, as I have personally found, and is generally quite well respected as a cheaper 400 film, the Fomapan 400 is divisive. Ich mchte einen klassischen Film verwenden, die Tmax und Deltas fallen also raus. Vor Korn habe ich keine Angst, solange kein 80 Schleifpapier Look entsteht. Very little shadow detail, but great when you know how to use it. And the best part is that you can get Fomapan 400 in medium format and sheet film. Simon, These are great! . Well because as Neil deGrasse Tyson says, Exploration is what you do when you dont know what you are doing. Content contributor - become a part of the worlds biggest film and alternative photography community blog. Fomapan 200 suited me better. The only concession I made to scientific method was shooting them both on the same day, so there were similar lighting conditions. I shot my final roll at a night time outdoor drumming event with harsh lighting on drummers in costume and that came out well too. Ich vermute mal, das im Silvermax Entwickler vielleicht was von Tetenal stecken knnte Eine klassische Kombi ist Kodak TRI-X in D76, millionenfach bewhrt. I may give that a try, but if the highlights are missing in one of my images thats normally in service of correctly exposing some other area. Pitch black shadows, and massive grain, similar to tri-x. Especially if Im working at a reenacting event. Was ich nun suche ist ein Film der bei 400/24 oder etwas weniger gut mit Rodinal harmorniert. This is a common sentiment online, and it seems to be fairly widely accepted that the best results can be had anywhere from EI200-EI360. When developing myself everything goes into a slightly higher dilution/lower concentration solution of Ilford DDX, and always for slightly longer than recommended by the Massive Dev Chart. Hi Simon,thanks for the comparison. M3+50er Elmar auf Silvermax. As of October 2021, Tri-X will run you $9.95 a roll for 36 exposures. I shoot both of them. To learn more, check-out the About page, or read News for the latest. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. Copyright 2020 Beyond the Aperture / MWI, All Rights Reserved, How to Identify and Use Rolleinar Lens Attachment Sets, Color Filters in Black and White Photography: An Introduction and Examples, Inspiration Found: What to Shoot When Youre Out of Ideas, Diagnosing Light Edges on Images (Dark Edges on Negatives). I think the example shots in this article demonstrate this well.The grain looked great, and really close to Neopan in my opinion I think the larger grain particles help with the severe contrast. Fomapan gives a high contrast result in most situations, including even/overcast light. Als Entwickler D76 zu nehmen ist zweifelsohne eine gute Wahl, doch gehrt der Entwickler und der Platzverbrauch der Flaschen fr die Stammlsung in meinem Laborbestand wohl bald der Vergangenheit an. Character is quite a subjective measurement, and different people will assess different qualities when discussing it. leider habe ich beim K400 aber in der standentwicklung nie die Wlkchen in den Griff gekriegt- die Entwicklung wurde immer fleckig und ungleichmig, weil ja die Bewegung fehlte. auch in D76 ist das von mir erzielte Ergebnis des Foma400 immer eher zweifelhaft gewesen. Noticeable halation. Ive used Ilford HP5 since before the plus version and Fomapan 400 since 2003. When I expose an image Ill usually choose to expose for my subject, and in mixed lighting that often means exposing for the shadow. Fomapan 400 does well with Fomadon LQN and pretty good with HC-110 in my experience. This post was inspired by another I made back in the early days of my website, a post from October 2017 titled Kentmere 400 | Budget B&W Film. 5x7 Fomapan 200 at e.i. Id also highly recommend Kentmere 100, which I didnt test here but still make use of quite often. At $8.12 a roll for 36 exposures, you arent saving much by choosing this film over Kodaks offering. Those are some interesting ideas, and definitely something Ill be trying. Its all about developing the film correctly and leaning into developers that can help reduce some of the less desirable aspects of the film stock. I really love foma and its highcontrast look, but make sure you over-expose by about a stop. The detail of well exposed for highlights on Fomapan is less refined, and sometimes seem a little harsh even when Im certain they were correctly exposed for. Fomapan 400, metered for the batons. Whether thats true or not, it is widely known that Arista film (Freestyles house brand) is repackaged Foma; the Holga branded film sold by Freestyle is as well; and, Kosmo Fotos Stephen Dowling has been quite open about his ISO 100 film being Foma too. This means whether my subject is passing through light or shade they will have detail in my frame. For more articles on 35mmc about the subject matter discussed here, please click one of the following tag links: Contribute to 35mmc for an Ad-Free Experience. Im here a bit late, but I would like to add Rollei RPX. Personally though, as someone who accepts, even likes grain, and isnt averse to the look that youll get out of both of these films in Rodinol I am definitely thinking that the Fomapan offering will get a few more chances to impress. All photographs and text appearing on are the exclusive property of the named author (except where stated otherwise) and are protected by copyright. OK, I told them, they were pulling a bait and switch with their product and I would be moving to another film. Thanks! And many of us are looking for ways to shave a few bucks off the cost of our favorite hobby. You know what they basically said? However I think because of the grain structure I often perceive the Fomapan to have a little bit of an edge in sharpness. However as this is a comparison between the results these films offer under certain conditions it could be interesting to some to understand how they were treated after being exposed. I no longer have to cross my fingers hoping that the negatives will come out. Fantastic review!Thank you for sharing these shots and your thoughts and observations. Id leave the sharpening to Photoshop. AG develop using Fujifilm Negastar chemistry, and honestly I dont really ever see much difference between rolls Ive developed myself and those done by external labs but then Im not a chemical connoisseur in the way some others may be. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. I am presently shooting Fomapan 200 in my 45. The Kentmere almost never dips into pure white, whereas the Fomapan does so very frequently. Die wild unverpackten Recycle Filme mchte ich ebenso wenig benutzen. In my day to day London walks I have been shooting a lot of Kentmere, and as a walk-around film it is wonderful, and really accentuates the greyer London tones. And given the wide latitude that conveniently covers for a bit of exposure accuracy sloppiness, it feels like Im pretty well assured of good shots under varying conditions. By If I could only have one it would be the Ilford for its bulletproof reliability. und es beim Kippen darum geht, die chemie immer da frisch zu halten, wo gerade etwas reagiert. For the most part, it is probably best to drop the EI by a stop for your standard group of developers, such as Ilford ID-11 (Kodak D-76) Ilfotec HC (Kodak HC-110), shooting the film at around ASA-200. Since that time Ive come a long way with my film development techniques, the capability of my scanning equipment, the digital workflow I use to scan negatives, and my overall knowledge of photography. I developed both films with rodinol, so a good deal of grain was to be expected. Having now revisited it with my more advanced skillset Im happy with the look it can offer, and have a better []. If I dial back the development time about 10 to 15 percent, the shadow detail is fine and the contrast and grain are brought under control. Not sure about scratches I only really handle by the edges, and do my best to store them cleanly.Im using Vuescan, and finding it very simple once its set up to my preference. Deine Erfahrungen beziehen sich vermutlich auf den neuen APX 400. Really glad you found it useful! The contrast, larger grain, and character is the best Ive found at this price point. und dabei kommt es eben darauf an, die flssige chemie zu verteilen. As a winter/autumn all rounder the Kentmere is serving me well, and Fomapan as a high-light film makes a lot of sense. As registered member you'd see an image here. I have used Fomapan 400 which I think is not quite as fast as Foma rate it, but I did get good results at 400 when developing it in Champions Promicrol which is a speed enhancing developer. C. Continuous gentle rocking face up (single neg) in a tray. You may like the results. Although these werent excessively It seemed I was getting better results with my R72 filter. I thankfully finally ran out of the 100ft. This article was most recently updated in November 2022, and a log of the updates can be found at the bottom of the article.). Kentmere seems to be accurately rated at 400, and Ive never been inclined to shoot it over/under, or even to push or pull it. 35mmc is a blog authored, edited and published by Hamish Gill featuring daily articles submitted by readers. HP5 habe ich unter diesem Handelsnamen nie verwendet, aber als Kentmere400 wird wohl eine recht hnliche Emulsion angeboten. If I have filed a complaint and was able to show the problem was with their film, not my technique, they have stood behind their product. I mentioned in the Workflow section that the bulk of work shown was in either DDX or Fujifilm chemistry. Nice and useful informations. I recently wrote a 5 Frames With Fomapan 400 where I described the results shot at EI1600 with a 2 stop push. Sometimes this grittiness fits your subject - Ill often choose Tri-X when shooting at former military bases because of the grain alone. But for some, $20 is a big deal. notfalls kann man es in 1+100 mit einer Standentwicklung versuchen. I usually prefer to use a 400 speed at EI800 for general use around London, as this gives me the best ability to address any lighting conditions. und es hat irgendwie immer gepasst. The FomaPan scratches real easily. Als Entwickler D76 zu nehmen ist zweifelsohne eine gute Wahl, doch gehrt der Entwickler und der Platzverbrauch der Flaschen fr die Stammlsung in meinem Laborbestand wohl bald der Vergangenheit an. Push Fomapan 400. I am not sure that I agree with you on the contrast. Ansel Adams did good tree work. weil rodinal von AGFA ist. A well exposed frame of Kentmere in overcast conditions will still have good contrast between the extremes, but a Fomapan shot under the same conditions will be that much darker, and that much lighter in areas that would still be grey on the Kentmere. I want to try the films out myself now. Also lieber bei 18 oder 19 Grad etwas lnger entwickeln. Film Comparison: Kentmere 400 Vs Fomapan 400, Accidentally over exposing Lumography Lady. Just out of curiosity, which developer/dilution did you use to process the film? It renders images with a decent level of Kentmere renders a very classic gradient from the darkest areas of the frame to the lightest. Mixing the ID-11 and waiting 24 hours to use it was getting old. Recently I switched over to DD-X from ID-11. (Never shot Ilford) I am definitely going to try Kentmere. Im Schrank lagern noch zwei ungeffnete Pulverstze fr D 76 bzw. Now we have a dilemma, my one roll experiment seems to be telling me that the Fomapan 400 is not a bad film for my taste the issue comes that reviews of this film are absolutely all over the place. I opted to take Fomapan 400 with me to India as a warmup/snapshot film but ended up shooting more rolls of it than anything else. Den neuen APX 400 habe ich in Rodinal bereits einmal entwickelt und mein erster Eindruck war zufriedenstellend. Some have noted that the foma offering doesnt perform well at box speed, whereas there seems to be a fair amount of confidence in the Kentmere film working at 400. Notice the bright spots on the womans bag, where the light bleeds through. Some people love it, some hate it. Here I could really see why the comparison to Neopan had been made wonderful contrast, with strong clarity in all of the tones. One of these photographs was made with Kentmere 400, and the other with Fomapan 400. For this article however I think that shooting both films in their most basic ways makes the most sense for a comparison. I dont think I have as direct an analogy with Fomapan 400, its more of its own thing. While i can easily get interchangeable results with other traditional grain films films (trix, hp5, rollei 400), foma 400 is different (to some people worse). I like the old-fashioned look of Foma films, here Fomapan 200 Creative: Camera: Mamiya C330 Professional. 100, incident meter, added a stop for bellows extension, at f/45 got 6 seconds, increased to 43 sec for reciprocity failure. Can you talk about what developers you used? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. But as is the case of any fickle film, you have to develop it right. But honestly, Fomapan 400 Action is nearly indistinguishable from the two slower speeds in terms of grain, contrast, and image quality. Ive struggled with both these films, always teetering on the edge of satisfaction. Simon, nice job! Kentmere definitely has a cubic grain structure, and is only really visible when severely underexposed usually my experiences have been of a very fine grain. I was actually surprised that the overexposure didnt do much in terms of reducing contrast Fomapan 400 is a renowned high contrast film, and I really expected my results to have a little less bite. When it comes to film stock, I'm the kind of photographer that doesn't like to change too many things. Thank you! You must log in or register to reply here. So by exposing for the shadows, youre basically over exposing it 2-3 stops and thus placing the shadows off the toe and onto the linear part of the film curve? HP5 Plus. Thanks for visitingBeyond the Aperture. Hopefully the results above prove me right. Bisher ging ich eher von ASA 320 aus. I have the feeling that you and I work in a similar style. Fomapan 400, metered for the wall on the right. I highly recommend you check it out here. It is a bit of a marmite film that gives some very different results depending on the use case. Processed in Legacy Pro L-110 (HC110 knock off) 1:40 from concentrate, 12 min at 19 deg. je nach Charge musste mal um ne Minute variiert werden, das wars dann aber auch. Trust me, nothing is worse than getting a great shot, seeing a great moment, and losing it forever because you had crap/expired/cheap film. At any rate, nice shots. Youre working in the profession, and Im a happily retired photo educator. . Unless I pre-soak and rinse the film before the developer, I do so thoroughly after dumping-off the developer to ensure that none of the vivid green anti-halation dye remains to avoid polluting my stop both with it; with that level of rinse, the stop is probably redundant, but I do it anyway. Wie ist der Fomapan qualitativ einzuordnen und wie wirkt er in Rodinal? Because Fomapan is a classic, old-school type of emulsion, its performance in 135 format is what youd more or less expect when shot in the much smaller frame size of 35mm film, which in a word, a bit grainy. Out of all the films I tested, I felt Tri-X had the best balance of contrast overall. Note: Your post will require moderator approval before it will be visible. When I started my photo education in the late 1960s, I was fortunate to be taught by working newspaper photographers. I actually like to leave this option on when scanning 120, but I think its too aggressive for Kentmere and leaves the grain looking chunky. (NOTE: This article has been one of the perennially most popular ones on this website, and as my film photography journey has evolved, so has my perspective on Fomapan. Ive even shot the movie at a World War 1 event at Torontos historic Fort York, and it looked amazing, especially when I framed the images right to avoid the modern condos surrounding the fort today. Its old world tonality just cant be achieved with the Ilford product which I find rather digital-like. I found you had to be more accurate with exposure (i.e. Das Fotolabor ist das Kinderzimmer, und als solches wird es in der Zukunft auch wieder genutzt. To support the channel and buy my prints visit the SFLaB Website more content?Why not become a member! The images have a well rounded feel, and its excellent for general purpose personal and documentary photography.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'35mmc_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_19',189,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-35mmc_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0'); The Fomapan suffers at 400, with a blockier rendering, and a foggy grey tone in the blacks which somewhat spoils the aesthetic, unless thats something youre especially looking for. I want to see what a film or lens does on the street or around people. end of the spectrum compared to Ilford and Kodak offerings, but also because I think it performs better than its price point. I love the look of the Kentmere and think I will be being purchased very soon, Thanks Paul! Film Comparison: Kentmere 400 Vs Fomapan 400. These days, I primarily shoot 100 Classic, in large part because I use Fomapan a great deal in the testing of vintage cameras Ive repaired or restored, and their limited shutter speeds and apertures make it difficult to properly expose on a bright, sunny day with fast ISO 400 film. Plus, it comes under several brands, Freestyles Arista branding are all Fomapan stocks, and you can get these in 35mm, 120, and sheets. The Kentmere retains slightly better detail in the highlights when exposing for shadow, and I am more comfortable with four-five stops difference between the lightest and darkest parts of the frame. APX is the opposite and pushes very well. I personally think the grain and contrast is much better. It can vary greatly across a roll, with some images made for the highlights and some made for the shadows I dont think in terms of over and under exposure, only whats right for the final image.The Kentmere definitely shows wider tonality in most situations, and Im sure there are ways in printing and scanning to bring the results closer to something Id be happy with this write up is entirely subjective and based on my experiences so far. I dont do any kind of noise reduction or destructive editing I often dont even bother with spot removing bits of dust as these dont bother me unless they really distract from the image overall. Simply register for free here We are always happy to welcome new members! Thanks John! Fomapan is a film I tried when I first started out, but I was undertaking the learning curve of a film camera as well as film itself, and this meant that my results were not ideal. In my experience it really shines one stop from box, at EI200. A bit tedious admittedly, but the price I pay for cheap infrared film that does regular work also. I think I spent less time editing my Tri-X shots in Lightroom after applying a basic curve in Photoshop, but I wouldnt say thats a good indication of film performance. Kodak Trix 400 in Rodinal. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'35mmc_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_10',180,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-35mmc_com-medrectangle-3-0'); I think this experience definitely demonstrated to me the way that box speed is subjective. Have you tried Bergger pancro 400? And the best part is that you can get Fomapan 400 in medium format and sheet film. Content contributor - become a part of the worlds biggest film and alternative photography community blog. I decided to give Fomapan 400 a try after discovering that it is exactly the same price as Kentmere 400. I personally have a love/hate relationship with Tri-X because no matter what I do, the grain is always hit or miss when scanning. Contribute to 35mmc for an Ad-Free Experience-, Fuji C200 Review A short note on my Enduring Love for this film By Phil Stefans, Kodak Portra 400 My First Roll by Simon King, Fuji Pro 400H & Kodak Portra 400 Quest For Colour By Aukje, NOSSAFLEX - An organising tool for film photography - Launches on Kickstarter, The Beauty of Basic: Life with One Lens - By Will Mordell, Camera, Lens, Film and Peripheral Kit Reviews. Too many reviewers shoot their backyard trees. The golden rule of film photography is to shoot for the shadows and develop for the highlights, however Id caution overexposing this film too much. TLDR: Differences are minimal, both are cheap, Kentmere very very slightly better. Aber Rodinal mit ISO 400 geht doch, finde ich. After acquiring a Minolta 16 spy camera, and a Goerz Minicord TLR, Ive had need for 16mm negative film to load and shoot in them. Excellent work and write up Simon, i have the exact results from the two films (using HC110). I didnt change the development times, so it wasnt a classic pull; just overexposed.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'35mmc_com-box-3','ezslot_1',179,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-35mmc_com-box-3-0'); I think that under these conditions the film really came into its own. allerdings wurden die Negative dann auch recht dicht- gerade so, wie ich sie fr meinen hybriden Prozess bentige. I started off with HC-110 but found the dilutions impractical for most film I shot. Zu teuer ist er auch nicht: im 10er-Pack 4,39 bei Fotoimpex. When shot with different exposures in mind, in different kinds of conditions, these films can produce quite a few looks. I think the character of these films are the elements that remain consistent through most use cases. I like the compositions of your sample images a lot. du hast freie Wahl: - mit Rodinal 1+50 fr gute Empfindlichkeitsausnutzung bis 640 ASA, Schrfe und normale Kontraste, (aber mitunter lange Entwicklugszeiten, die beim Agfakipprhythmus anstrengend werden), - mit Rodinal 1+100 fr hnlich gute Ergebnisse bei weiger Bewegungsarbeit fr den Arm in der (semi-)Standentwicklungund sparsamerer Ausnutzung der chemie, - mit Atomal49 fr schne Grauwerte aber nur bis 320 ASA und etwas weniger scharf, dafr weicheres Korn, - mit D76 fr Nennempfindlichkeit und etwas krzere Entwicklugnszeiten, - mit Rodinal 1+25 um den 60er-Jahre Zeitungsfoto-vintagelook mit ordentlich Korn und knackigen Kontrasten wiederzubeleben. See if you can guess which is which in the comments! A couple of years ago, I spent the summer shooting different B&W films. und das, obwohl sie weder Ahnung von Fotografie noch von Chemie hat). These are nice, there is something about the crappy anti halation layer film when you pull it and blow the highlights a bit, it turns the glowiness up to 11.How do you prevent scratches, Simon? In a similar style still make use of quite often help personalise content tailor... 400/24 oder etwas weniger gut mit Rodinal harmorniert ist der Fomapan qualitativ einzuordnen und wie wirkt in... Good deal of grain was to be taught by working newspaper photographers Lumography Lady so there were lighting... Zwei ungeffnete Pulverstze fr D 76 bzw recht hnliche Emulsion angeboten the best part is that and! Fotografie noch von chemie hat ) da frisch zu halten, wo gerade etwas reagiert beim Kippen darum,. Bei 400/24 oder etwas weniger gut mit Rodinal harmorniert you 'd see an here! 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